LET'S GET YOU INTO CLASS! Getting into class these days can be almost as challenging as the workout itself! We now have 14 spots available and most classes are waitlisted. That's a good problem to have, right? Well kind of. I'm sure some of you find it very discouraging! Can I let you in on a little secret? We have lots of space, you might just need to plan your schedule a little more loosly. I went back over our schedule this last week and counted up how many Megas/Versas sat empty. Are you ready for this? We had 98 spots available! Spots frequently open up in that 2 hour window before class. Signing up for the waitlist is one way to snag a spot, but our waitlist does not add anyone with less than an hour before class. I enourage you to take advantage of this little secret and grab one of those 98 spots!
A monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana has a wealth of knowledge and loves to research and share her findings! With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork 25/20 MEGA/CLIMB With the new year comes new changes at the studio, and the most notable is our newly structured combo classes. We’ve had a lot of you ask why the change, and it’s a good question! The “too long, didn’t read” version is- it simply works better with the fitness goals and values we have at CoreStrong. The long answer is steeped in exercise science. So if that’s your thing, grab a coffee or tea and let’s chat about the whys and the hows of this change. So, scientifically, why the change? If you Google, “which is better, cardio before resistance, or vice versa” you are going to find scientific articles that fit both narratives. But with everything in life, the real answer to which order reigns superior is….. It depends. It depends on your age, sex, and fitness goals. So, before we go further, let’s review the fitness goals we have at CoreStrong. At CoreStrong we follow the Lagree Method, which includes effective range of motion, resistance, tempo, and duration. In short, we are building the kind of strength that takes a focused and rested body to get the best out of your strength workout and maximize your muscle gains. To maintain adherence to the Lagree Method, it makes more sense to start you out on the mega (resistance) while you are fresh and can gain maximal tension and duration then burn you out on the versa (cardio), rather than sending your poor, tired legs to their doom in a super lunge directly after a versa sprint. Theoretically, this also reduces the risk of fatigue-related injuries. But is there actual science to back this change? Yes! Especially for women and those over 65 years of age. One study found that women who engaged in high-intensity resistance training and then participated in aerobic exercise for 20 minutes had a higher fat oxidation rate than the aerobic-only group. Another study found that women who performed resistance training before aerobic training improved their maximal oxygen consumption or the “highest rate at which an individual can use oxygen during physical exertion.” This is also known as the VO2 max, an important marker for both longevity and cardiovascular fitness. And for those over 65? The science says resistance training before aerobic exercise is a statistically significant boon for improving the aforementioned VO2 max and maximum aerobic workload. Next month, I’ll be taking you for a literal ride as I dive deeper into VO2 max and why it’s a marker you want to pay attention to. In the meantime, I challenge you to catch a combo class once or twice a week and see how you feel after four weeks. I bet it’ll be along the lines of both stronger and faster. See you in class! Q & A Disclaimer: I am not a registered dietician or medical professional. This piece is meant to inform only. If you need nutritional advice tailored to you, please speak with your doctor. I had a client pose a really interesting question to me earlier this month that immediately made me pause and go “hmmmm.” “Bri,” she said. “ I saw this video on social media that said collagen protein can’t be counted towards your daily protein intake.” My gut reaction was, that video sounds like malarky to me, but I am always down to investigate a question and then share what I uncover. While I’m not a nutritionist and can’t give nutritional advice, I felt like what I found was worth sharing with all of you. In short, amino acids are amino acids. The reason some doctors say you can’t count collagen protein towards your daily intake is due to a scale known as the protein-digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) which ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. (An aside, this scale’s validity is hotly debated in the scientific community, with many finding its current form to be a poor tool of measurement.) Because collagen is not a complete protein (lacking tryptophan and having lower levels of the muscle building amino acids) it gets a 0.0 on the scale. However, a study published in Nutrients titled “Significant amounts of functional collagen peptides can be incorporated in the diet while maintaining indispensable amino acid balance” states that collagen is an important source of peptides and amino acids that contribute to overall health. It found that 2.5 to 15 grams of collagen protein a day was an effective amount to add to a daily regimen, so don’t dump the collagen just yet! (For those wondering, I still drink 20-40 g of collagen protein a day.) Where things get murky is the claim you can’t count it towards your daily value because “it’s not a complete protein.” Following that logic, you can’t count anything that’s not an animal protein. Rice, beans, grains, or anything else that is not a complete protein is off the table. That is why having a well rounded diet full of various foods is critical to your protein intake. You’ll also notice that many supplements are lacking a daily value under the protein category. From what I found, if a supplement is not considered a complete protein, manufacturers cannot put a percent daily value on packaging.
To the client who posed this question, thank you! IF YOU HAVE A TOPIC OR QUESTION THAT YOU'D LIKE BRIANA TO DIVE INTO, PLEASE LET US KNOW. SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO [email protected] YOU READY FOR THIS? It's hard to believe that we are starting a whole new year again! Here's just a few highlights we have planned for early 2025! #1 - Two more Megas and two more Versas We'll have 14 spots in classes starting Monday, January 6th. #2 - New format for Mega/Climb Combo Classes Starting in the Mega Studio for a 25 minute routine designed with a combination of foundational and advanced moves, challenging variations and quick, smooth transitions, and then over to the Versa Studio for 20 minutes of low impact, high intensity, cardio. Build your endurance and coordination and love every minute of it! #3 - Winter Challenge begins January 12th Sign up on your app (click on the trophy icon at the bottom of your screen). In Body - get your first reading at the front desk, anytime between January 1st and 12th. Download the Macrostax App and use your same email and password that you use for your CoreStrong app. ALL PARTICIPANTS COMPLETING 32 CLASSES RECEIVE A PAIR OF CUSTOM CORESTRONG GRIP SOCKS! AND ARE ENTERED INTO THE DRAWING TO WIN 10 FREE CLASSES #4 Face Foundrie will be at CoreStrong once again! Take a class on January 3rd or 4th and receive discounted products and services at Face Foundrie. You'll also get to spin the wheel for a chance to win a free facial, product samples, free tools, goodie bags, swag, etc. #5 MODIFIED SCHEDULE FOR LAGREE CERTIFICATION - JANUARY 17 - 19 Thanks for your understanding!
A monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana has a wealth of knowledge and loves to research and share her findings! With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork. HABITS OVER RESOLUTIONS I know New Year’s resolutions aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but I LOVE them. I have made a resolution every year since grade school and look forward to a new one every year. Some have been wildly successful, and some have flamed out within the second week of January. I’ve run the gamut of cold-turkey cut offs to completely unattainable expectations. Through it all, I’ve learned a thing or two about what sticks and what doesn’t. And so if you are a resolution maker like myself, I offer you some insights.
It’s been an absolute pleasure working out with you this year and I look forward to hearing about all the goals you have planned for yourself in 2025. Until then, Happy New Year and see you in class!! PROTEIN HACKS Alright my friends, after months of warning and preparation, the day has finally arrived! We begin our Macrostax challenge starting…now! Many of you have already explored the app, asking lots of questions in preparation for this challenge. Still, the most popular question I’ve gotten is the same question I asked myself- “How on Earth am I supposed to eat this much protein?!” I won’t kid you, it’s a learning curve. To help, I asked a few of the instructors what their favorite protein supplement was and why, as well as a few tips to sneak protein in when you physically cannot eat any more. Instructor Hanne “I find that it’s hard to find whey protein powders with clean ingredients that aren’t insanely expensive so I’m excited to try to hear what others prefer! My go to is Orgain organic vegan protein powder. For a whey powder, Ballerina Farm is delicious and while I’d love to drink it all the time, it’s so expensive I can’t get myself to keep it stocked and drink consistently.” Orgain
Ballerina Farm
Instructor Hailey “Fairlife CorePower protein is my fav protein! I drink one every morning- it legit tastes like ice cream! Fairlife CorePower
Instructor Kerry “Equip Prime Chocolate Protein! I love the flavor and picked this brand because it got the highest rating for most digestible as I have a sensitivity to whey. It’s not gritty and there is no after flavor.” Equip
I’ve made mention in previous articles that my favorite is Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. The flavor is the least “proteiny” of all the brands I’ve tried and it’s so easy to digest. Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides
It’s been a few months since I’ve been experimenting with getting enough protein- I still have yet to hit that 154g goal- and have had to trick myself into eating protein multiple times. Here are some protein cheat codes to use if you are feeling completely over it.
And finally, a non food related protein hack. If you don’t have a shaker bottle (like me- I HATE washing shaker bottles) you can get a smooth protein blend by adding two to three tablespoons of your liquid of choice to your protein powder and stirring it with a fork until you get a smooth syrup consistency. Then add the rest of your beverage. Voila! No grainy, separated nonsense. A NEW YEAR - A CLEAN SLATE! If you've been attending CoreStrong for a while, you know that we have a pretty strict cancellation policy. Our policies are in place to ensure that you can get into class. in 2024 we had over 500 no shows, 2936 late cancels and 763 of those were less than 2 hours before class.
I want to challenge you to save your money in 2025! It's a chance to start fresh! Beginning January 1st, you will no longer be charged an extra fee for cancelling class less than 2 hours before class. The fee will be a flat rate of $15 for cancelling less than 12 hours before class. However, we will still be monitoring last minute cancellations and if you've cancelled less than 2 hours before class more than 3 times after January 1st, 2025, you will receive a notice and you will be charged an additional $20 for any additional cancellations within the 2 hours before class. Cancel as soon as you know you have a conflict. I encourage you to wait to sign up for class until you know for sure you can attend. Checking your app for available spots during that 2 hour window before class, will surprise you. We almost always have room! Our no show fee will remain at $50. A no show prevents anyone else from joining class and disrupts the flow of the studio. The instructors and I work very hard to produce the very best class possible, and I'm sorry, but it just hurts our feelings when you don't show up! We are sorry if you are sick and we appreciate you not trying to come to class and infecting others, however, we cannot offer refunds or exceptions. Please do not email or call the studio. Cancel your class immediately. Not everyone likes to check their emails, but I have no other way of communicating with you, so please read your emails. Every time you sign up for class, confirm the date and time with the confirmation email you receive and make sure to add it to your personal calendar. If you've cancelled a class, check your emails for a confirmation of your cancellation. Our scheduling system is the best of the best! We've added 2 more Megaformers and 2 more Versa Climbers and reduced cancellation fees. Now it's your turn! Please take charge of your personal schedule. Your positive experience at CoreStrong is our #1 priority! We care deeply about your health and fitness and want nothing more than to see you succeed! Cheers to 2025! CAN I JUST SAY, "YOU'RE UNBELIEVABLE"! Your incredible response to our Black Friday Sale has been overwhelming! Whether you are at the beginning or well into your fitness journey, we are grateful for the opportunity to challenge you with impactful workouts that show you just how capable you are! The bonding that happens when we work together, accomplishing hard things, and staying committed to our goals, is exactly how we create the community that we have at CoreStrong! Thank you for showing up and giving it all you've got! NEW PRICING BEGINS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3rd!
A monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana has a wealth of knowledge and loves to research and share her findings! With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork. BREAKFAST ANYONE? You might remember from last month’s Macrostax article that I spent a whole lot of time talking about the importance of breakfast in my protein goal journey. I also made mention that Kerry, Natalie and I formed a Breakfast Club to keep each other accountable, because, let’s face it, we know that breakfast is “the most important meal of the day” but the hardest to implement. And if you are preparing for the Macrostax challenge coming up in January, trust me, make breakfast a habit now. Listen, I can regale you with enough scientific data on the importance of breakfast until you cry Uncle. I can tell you that your iced coffee is not a proper breakfast and will spike your cortisol levels. I can climb to the top of the Wells Fargo building and scream that skipping breakfast is wrecking your hormones and causing that dreaded midday crash. That waking up not hungry is not a good sign, and that not getting enough protein in the morning will leave you starving for the rest of the day. But here’s the truth, I don’t need to dig up those scientific articles- you already know all this. Facts don’t necessarily lead to action, so instead, here’s a tale of your instructors Kerry, Natalie and myself navigating our way into making breakfast a habit over the last 60 days, and what we learned by putting these scientific principles into action. What was your main motivation for implementing a breakfast habit? Natalie- “I want to be a good example for my girls. It’s important that they see me eat balanced meals so they grow up to have a good relationship with food.” Kerry- “I just wanted more energy!” Briana- “I knew I was going to have to frontload all of my protein in the morning or the Macrostax challenge was going to be a flop, but I also just wanted more energy. The midday exhaustion was getting out of hand.” What were the greatest benefits you experienced from eating a daily breakfast? Natalie- “I noticed more energy, no “crashing” midday. I also had no midday or early afternoon headaches. I was able to lift more and push harder with cardio. I noticed no dizzy spells, which I often noticed with my super low blood pressure.” Kerry- “With incorporating 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking, I’ve noticed a huge change in my energy. I never realized how beneficial it was to not only get breakfast in, but within an hour of waking.” Briana- “Hands down, my energy levels. I could finally go all in at CoreStrong and still be humming through my back to back 90 minute massage sessions. No more afternoon bonks!” What surprised you the most about committing to this breakfast habit? Natalie- “That there was no weight gain, even though eating breakfast increased my calorie intake.” Kerry- “I think because I didn’t eat breakfast for so long, that I lost my awareness of hunger. Now that I’ve been getting in my morning protein breakfast, I’m actually not only more hungry in the morning, but I’m getting appropriate hunger cravings throughout the day.” Briana- “I’m with Kerry and Natalie on this one. I finally have normal hunger cues, which at first was a bit scary. I was eating a lot more than I used to, and feeling hungry was a new sensation. But like Natalie, I didn’t experience any unwanted weight gain.” What was the most challenging part about making breakfast a habit? Natalie- “The biggest challenge I had was to make sure I planned accordingly, even planning out my breakfast the night before and also my lunch on the days I was at the studio for several hours.” Kerry- “A lot of times I was teaching/working out soon after I woke up. I would always have my protein shake but I needed to remember to have a bit more breakfast after I worked out. Sometimes that was hard when I got busy with work. I then decided to set an alarm on my phone so I wouldn’t forget to get my “second breakfast” in.” Briana- “I went more than a decade without breakfast, so pushing through the morning and chugging a protein shake when I didn’t feel hungry was really hard at first. I had to reframe my morning breakfast like brushing my teeth or showering- it’s not necessarily fun, but it is good for me.” What was your favorite or go to breakfast? Natalie- “A piece of avocado toast on sourdough with four ounces of either baked salmon, baked chicken, or baked tofu on the side, drizzled with basil olive oil, lemon juice and chili flakes.” Author’s note- Natalie has the most beautiful breakfasts and needs to make a cookbook. Kerry- “For me, the days I worked early, my go to was a 30g protein shake followed by 20g of protein yogurt after my versa class. On the days I don’t teach, my go to is eggs, cottage cheese and sourdough toast.” Briana- “Within an hour of waking, it was 50 g of vital collagen protein powder in almond milk- every single day. I like to streamline things. After my core workout I’d do a slice of sourdough with avocado.” Any tips for those just starting their breakfast habit? Natalie- “Plan accordingly and have a support system!” Kerry- “Create a support system!” Briana- “Streamline the process. Pick one high protein option, and stick with that for 30 days. Eat it as fast as you can if you have to, but just prioritize it within an hour of waking. The first week or two is really difficult so just push through. Also, the accountability helped a ton! Not wanting to eat but knowing I’d have to post a picture in the group chat was a big motivator.” Here’s to healthy habits for 2025. See you in class! WINTER CHALLENGE 25: MEGA - VERSA - OR COMBO - GOAL OF 32 CLASSES
BIRTHDAY BINGO WINNER, BLACK FRIDAY SALES, MACROSTAX, AND MORE ... DON'T MISS OUT ON OUR BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Sale starts on November 24th and ends on December 2nd. 9 days to take advantage of our best pricing options. Set yourself up for success in 2025 now!
CREDIT PACKAGES: 50 Class Credit Package $800 - that's just $16 a class! 30 Class Credit Package $540 - that's just $18 a class Class packages have a 1 year expiration Class credits can be transferred to another client, but are not refundable Need to make changes to your current membership? Email the studio at [email protected]
A monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana is on our team at CoreStrong and we are so lucky! Briana has a wealth of knowledge and loves to research and share her findings! With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork MACROSTAX - The Nutrition App! “Kerry, how the (bad word) am I supposed to eat this much protein?” That was the text I sent immediately after I downloaded the Macrostax app and was duly informed that I need to consume 154 grams of protein every day. “Just listen to the podcast I sent you- trust me.” She replied. And thus began a full 30 days of tracking my macros. Now I sit here to tell you the good, the bad and the ugly of my experience. Why? Because in January, CoreStrong will be running a Macrostax challenge, and trust me when I say now is the time to familiarise yourself with tracking your macros because, as I learned, you can’t go from 0 to 100 overnight. So what does “tracking your macros” mean? The body runs off of three main macronutrients- carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Carbohydrates are the body’s main energy source and provide four calories per gram. Protein is the major repair nutrient for the body and also provides four calories per gram. Fat plays a huge role in satiety, hormone production, the uptake of fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, K, and E, and carries nine calories per gram. When tracking macronutrients, the rationale is a 40/30/30 split of calories from carbohydrates, proteins, and fat in that order. Tracking macronutrients instead of calories allows the user to focus more on quality of food rather than quantity while still allowing freedom of choice when it comes to choosing food for the day. So, if you want a piece of chocolate cake and it fits your macros, go for it. If you are wondering, yes I absolutely ate cake and cookies and chocolate while tracking my macros, but before I can venture too far into the forest, a little groundwork first. I agreed to this assignment for various reasons. Since May, I’ve lost muscle, which was not a trend I was expecting. I’ve also been experiencing the most intense fatigue all summer. Not the, “I need a nap” fatigue, no, no. The “bury me in the ground six feet deep and wake me next year fatigue.” I’ve also noticed I bruise like a peach and my wounds don’t heal very quickly. My heart rate variability tanked and my workout recovery? What recovery? So when it came to downloading the app and sticking with it for a month- barring my fear of tracking my food and the ever lurking shadow of an eating disorder- what did I have to lose? All my important metrics were already trending down anyway. My experience can be broken down into three distinct phases. Phase one was a wakeup call, phase two was a period of overcompensation, and phase three was all about balance. The first week was rough. I faced the bleak reality of my ingrained habits and boy were they refusing to exit the stage without a fight. I was woefully unprepared for just how quickly I would have to flip my previous ideas of personal nutrition to get within a 7 mile radius of my target numbers. It became crystal clear, given my storied history with food, that I would have to put some concrete boundaries in place if I was going to make this experiment successful.
Even though that first week proved a huge challenge, I noticed a massive shift in energy after only three days. This was expected as I was easily eating at least 800 calories and 80 grams of protein more a day than I usually did. The notes from my journal during the first week are laced with elation; energy when I normally had none, and on October 10th, I hit a personal best on the VersaClimber. The second phase is clearly delineated by the advent of a migraine, which I battled off and on for an entire week. Regardless, I was still getting over 100 grams of protein every day, and noticed a positive trend in my sleep patterns and recovery rate. By the 15th, I noted how quick I was to recover after a workout, and how good it felt to go hard at the gym. On October 16th, after a few days of hitting roughly 120 grams of protein (and as my journal recorded, a lot of whining about protein yogurt and a subtle horror about how much processed food I was eating) I decided to commit and hit that 154 grams. In doing so, I made the most vile protein dish I have ever made in my entire life- one carton of egg whites, butter, and white rice. This meal was so vile in fact, that I had to take two days off from tracking because the thought of eating anything that even smelled like protein twisted my stomach. It was at this moment it became extremely clear I was not going to be hitting that 154g goal anytime soon. This ill fated meal threw me into phase three- balance. The beauty of tracking every piece of food that enters your mouth is that you can’t lie to yourself. Macrostax has a handy little feature that tracks important metrics like fiber and micronutrients. In my quest to jam as much protein as physically possible, I was ignoring healthy carbs like fruits and vegetables to my own detriment. And while I was still hitting my personal goal of at least 100 g of protein a day, I did a hard pivot and started focusing on whole food, nourishing meals like soups and stews. In the early days, I found myself shying away from dining out, because trying to dissect a restaurant meal into something acceptable to the Macrostax app was too much. And, to be honest, I was beginning to feel a little burnt out from tracking literally everything that came across my plate. So, I implemented tracking free days- usually a weekend day. By this point, I had a very good idea of what I needed to do to hit 100 grams of protein, and so when I finally went out to eat, I prioritized the protein, but still ate the cake. After these last 30 days will I continue to use the app? Yes, absolutely. This app helped me crystalize nutritional goals in a way I’ve never been able to do. I didn’t once obsess over calories while using this tool, which is the biggest win of them all. Because I prioritized protein, I never felt restricted in my food, neither did I feel hungry. I loved that the app has a barcode scanner built in, so food entry is a breeze. This feature also highlighted just how much ultra-processed food I ate, guiding me gently to choose more whole foods. However, the app is not without its faults. Tracking home-cooked meals is a giant pain in the butt. You can enter a recipe and then portion it out, which does make the process easier, but when it comes to dining out? You will be left guessing. I also found the macronutrient breakdown too aggressive for me. Even after 30 days, I still hadn’t hit my goal of 154 grams of protein but hit my fat goal by lunch everyday. This left me wondering what the heck I was supposed to do for dinner many nights. As mentioned, my body runs better off of fats, and so I disregarded the fat metric, letting carbohydrates and fats balance themselves out. As we inch closer to the MacroStax challenge, I encourage you to start playing with the app to work out your own personal bugs. Below are the six most helpful tips I implemented over the last 30 days to achieve my personal goals.
And now for the long awaited finale! So how did my numbers change over the last month? I’m happy to report only positive results. When I began this journey, I weighed 122.2, with a body fat mass of 27.0 lb, and a skeletal muscle mass of 52.5 lbs. At the end of my journey, a mere 30 days of me fumbling about to get this right, I weigh 120.8, with a body fat mass of 25.3 lbs and a skeletal muscle mass of 52.7 lbs. Mind you, I did not set about this journey to lose weight, but as a 33 year old woman, the change in trend alerted me that I needed to make some serious changes. So, after a mere 30 days and more macronutrients that equaled to a minimum of an extra 800 calories a day, I corrected the trend I was seeing. But beyond numbers, I feel fantastic. My sleep is now so good that my sleep app reset my baseline. My heart rate variability (a metric used for overall recovery) increased 6 points, and my resting heart rate dropped 3 points. My skin, once so dry it flaked like a snowglobe, is now much healthier. My workout recovery is phenomenal and for the first time ever, I was able to get over 200’ on the VersaClimber sprint. I no longer need a midday nap and have plenty of energy to do my workout and complete my physically demanding job. My mood has been more stable, and I’m a little less reactive to life’s daily stressors. For the first time in my entire life, I was able to eat dessert with zero guilt because I knew exactly what my body required, and if it fit my macros, then dessert was merely just part of my fuel. I encourage you to play with the app and get familiar with it and then when the challenge arrives, really commit. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your body can do when given the proper tools. See you in class! -Briana, LMT, CES For access to the MacroStax app, check the email you used when you signed up with CoreStrong. It is free for members. Or send us an email at [email protected] and we'll send you a link to get signed up. TRAINING STARTS IN JANUARY!
Please email Cathy at [email protected] to learn more. IT'S OUR 7TH BIRTHDAY AND WOW! DO WE HAVE A FUN MONTH PLANNED JUST FOR YOU! Birthday Bingo starts today! Pick up your Bingo card at the front desk and get after it! Sign up on your app by clicking on the trophy icon and get your classes booked! You'll need to take 16 classes in 31 days, along with a blackout on your Bingo card to put yourself in the drawing. Hang onto your Bingo card until you fill in all the squares and then turn it back in at the front desk to be added into the drawing. Fill in as many squares per day as you can! Our first-place winner will take home a fabulous gift basket filled with all of our favorite things! Your CoreStrong instructors, front desk crew, and I have collaborated to make this prize one of our best yet! Our 2nd-place winner gets 10 classes added to their account, and our 3rd-place winner gets 5 classes added to their account. We hope you have a fun time participating in Birthday Bingo! A monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana has joined our team at CoreStrong and we are so lucky! Briana has a wealth of knowledge and loves to research and share her findings! With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork. FLEXIBILITY vs MOBILITY (what's the dif?) In the near-decade I’ve been working with people’s bodies, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a client proudly display how flexible their hips are, and then fail to perform a proper squat. It’s usually a source of frustration for them, because they’ve been led to believe they are super mobile and therefore should be able to properly execute a movement. If you’ve ever done a brief search on strength and stretching, you’ve no doubt come across the terms “flexibility” and “mobility.” More than likely, these two terms were used interchangeably, as they often are in most fitness articles. However, they couldn’t be more different, and understanding the difference is of great importance for your training. Flexibility has two common definitions. It is either “the ability of the muscle to lengthen” or “the ability of a joint to move through full range of motion without pain.” While both of these definitions are correct, they leave out a critical component. Flexibility is a passive movement. Having your foot in the mega cable strap to pull your hamstring towards your nose is an example of flexibility in action. You aren’t actively lengthening your hamstring to move your hip joint, the cable strap is doing that for you. Mobility on the other hand is active movement through a joint’s range of motion. Mobility requires stamina, balance, strength, coordination and, yes, flexibility. In simpler terms, mobility asks, how efficiently can you move and control that movement? In many cases, mobility is also referring to how multiple joints move together. In a squat, any mobility dysfunction in the ankle, knee or hip will ultimately impact the entire movement. Let's revisit that leg in a cable strap. Time to do some slow leg circles! Now you are controlling the movement of the hip joint. You need stamina, balance, strength, coordination and flexibility to move your leg in slow, fluid, circular movements at the hip joint. For most, mobility is a process, so perhaps your mobility in a hip circle is limited. Maybe the coordination isn’t there, or you struggle to balance inner thigh strength with outer thigh strength. Worry not, mobility can take time, but consistent practice in achieving full, controlled range of motion in all of our joints helps protect from injury. Think of Mobility as the main course and flexibility as an ingredient. You can be as flexible as a cooked noodle but have terrible mobility if you cannot control active movement. You can be as strong as an ox but have terrible mobility if you lack flexibility. Remember, mobility requires stamina, balance, strength, coordination and flexibility equally. Mobility is also a key longevity predictor. The Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) requires a patient to stand from a chair, walk ten feet, turn around, walk back to the chair and sit. While we may not think of this as an exercise in mobility, the act of sitting, standing, and walking requires a great deal of stamina, balance, coordination, flexibility, strength and cooperation of many joints. When tested among the elderly, a failed TUG test is a strong all cause mortality predictor. This stands to reason as all of the factors that are required for good mobility rely on a strong, healthy body. For those of us who scoff at the simplicity of such a test, going from a seated cross-legged position to standing without the use of hand support is another good indicator of mobility. So where does the confusion between mobility and flexibility come from? I find the confusion stems from stretching. The National Academy of Sports Medicine defines stretching as a passive process to elongate muscles and connective tissue in order to increase a present state of flexibility. If we take that definition, the movement hierarchy is as follows- Stretching increases flexibility (the ability of a muscle to lengthen) which contributes to a joint’s mobility (the ability to actively move through a joint’s range of motion pain free). If you are looking to increase flexibility find a passive stretch and hold it for 15-30 seconds, or over 60 seconds if you are older than 65. However, a quick search on stretching also brings up other forms- active and dynamic stretching. These are also commonly labelled as “mobility exercises” which, technically they are as they are not passive movements. These two methods of stretching require active participation in joint movements. In an active hip flexor stretch, you would be actively squeezing your glute to force the hip flexor to release. In a dynamic stretch, you mimic movements you are about to perform in a sport, like a leg swing. In the end, why does the difference matter? Because understanding what mobility is and isn’t can help you figure out where your weak spots are. For example, I have limited range of motion in my big toe joint due to an injury. No amount of passive flexibility stretching has helped. This tells me that I’m lacking a strength component, and more than likely a stamina component of the muscles that control the extension of the big toe. Knowing this, I can better target my weak spots. In Lagree, time under tension, full range of motion strength training is the perfect mobility workout. Remember, if you can’t reach full range of motion, start small and work up to it. Your body will thank you! See you in class! VERSA APP CONNECTION INSTRUCTIONS
TRAINING STARTS IN JANUARY! Are you ready? Please email Cathy at [email protected] to learn more.
A monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger, LMT! Briana has joined our team at CoreStrong and we are so lucky! Briana has a wealth of knowledge and loves to research and share her findings! With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork THE LAGREE FORM AND FOCUS AND WHY YOU NEED IT A large majority of my clients show up for their first appointment either rehabbing an old injury that refuses to go away or struggling with a new one. The vast majority of these clients share two things in common- they’ve either started a new workout program (or ramped up the intensity) and also have a very noticeable compensatory movement pattern (ie, knees rolling inward at the bottom of a squat, poor shoulder control or mobility etc.) And while no one moves perfectly, the vast majority of these injuries could be resolved or lessened with a basic understanding of the 7 fundamental movement patterns- the squat, lunge, hinge, push, pull, carry, and rotation. The sad reality is that many of us cannot perform these movements without compensatory movement patterns. These less optimal movement patterns place a strain on our musculoskeletal system, eventually leading to many common overuse injuries: runner’s knee, jumper’s knee, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tears, and sacroiliac pain to name a few. Often, our inability to complete these movements is a byproduct of our modern-day culture. The typical adult works a traditional 9 to 5, chained to a desk doing their best postural impression of a banana. Unfortunately (or fortunately) how we spend the majority of our day moving informs the brain and nervous system what optimal movement looks like. So, if we sit at a desk 8-10 hours a day, shoulders rolled forward, head hunched forward, tight hip flexors with low back extended, this is our “normal.” If, after work, you like to hit a high-intensity class, your body’s normal movement patterns are not optimal for the demand you are about to place on it, and thus your likelihood of injury increases. Consider knee valgus (or knees bowing inward when squatting) is a commonly associated movement pattern displayed by many office workers and is a massive determining risk factor of an ACL tear of the knee. If you enjoy jump squats or skiing but haven’t mastered a perfect lunge or squat, your risk of injury increases dramatically. Or, if you enjoy slinging heavy weights overhead on the weekend but haven’t put the effort to correct a hunched shoulder position and learned to brace your core, your chance of a rotator cuff tear or a low back injury skyrockets. In short, if you cannot complete one of these 7 movements slowly without maintaining pain-free, optimal form, then adding speed and intensity to them is a catastrophe waiting to happen. The good news is that Lagree focuses on these 7 fundamental movement patterns and slows them down to a snail’s pace, allowing your body ample time to understand and integrate proper body mechanics and movement patterns. This slow pace helps retrain your nervous system to overwrite old, less optimal movements and desensitize the nervous system to pain or discomfort. A common adage I give my clients is, “Practice does NOT make perfect; practice makes PERMANENT, so practice each repetition as close to perfection as possible.” Over time, your body will adopt these correct patterns, and you’ll be able to “jump” back into your sport of choice with a decreased risk of injury. If you do not understand a movement or experience pain when performing a movement, it is critical that you talk to your instructor after class. If you have to modify to maintain perfect form, then modify with intention. In Lagree, you are laying the foundation for every movement you do throughout the day, so strive for excellence in each of your reps. Remember, the tortoise wins the race. Starting from ground zero and building your way to optimal movement patterns is the key to movement longevity. Movement is medicine, but like medicine, it’s in the dosage and the application. See you in class! IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY ON OCTOBER 25TH!
Click here to visit our FAQ page. WE ARE BEYOND EXCITED FOR OUR FALL SCHEDULE! STARTING SEPTEMBER 15... Feel free to take a sneak peak on your app. Scroll to September 15th and beyond to see all the new class additions, and class time changes.
SO HOW IMPORTANT IS HYDRATION ANYWAY? Do you ever have days where you just feel, well…dumb? It’s as if the word you need to finish your sentence just took a four-week-long vacation. Or your workout endurance did a swan dive off a cliff? Here’s the bad news- you probably are suffering from a case of what I like to call The Dumb. The good news? The Dumb can usually be cured with proper hydration. A few months ago, a viral news article dropped with the sensational claim that dehydration makes you just as impaired as being inebriated. The study published in Physiology and Behavior found, “The magnitude of decrement reported [of dehydration],was similar to that observed following the ingestion of an alcoholic beverage resulting in a blood alcohol content of approximately 0.08% (the current UK legal driving limit), or while sleep deprived.” Yikes. Before continuing, we have to agree on what it means to be dehydrated. Science has determined that a loss of 2% of body mass in fluid is the bottom line for dehydration. So, if you are a 150 lb person, a 3lb loss of fluids means you are officially dehydrated. On a hot day when you are pouring buckets of boob sweat, it doesn’t take much to lose 2% of your body’s water—especially this summer, when we’ve all been treated to an inferno. So, what happens when you lose, at minimum, 2% of your body’s water? According to a Meta-Study that reviewed 33 other studies looking at the effects of dehyrdation on the human body, “dehydration impairs cognitive performance, particularly tasks involving attention, executive function, and motor coordination when water deficits exceed 2% of body mass loss.” In other words, the very brain functions we need to function as adults. But why does dehydration cause so much chaos? We are composed of 60-70% water, and all chemical reactions in our body happen in this medium, especially in the nervous system. Lack of water is like having spotty cell service, the messages may or may not be sent. So yes, dehydration can be causing The Dumb. So how much water do you need? And more importantly, are you rehydrating correctly? (Yes, there is a correct way to drink water.) Every human has a different daily water requirement based on physical activity level, weight, sex, age, and air temperature. Generally, the medical community agrees that the average man needs around 3.7 L/day and the average woman needs 2.7 L/day. Thankfully, this amount includes water found in food. Unless you start your day with no fluids and a breakfast of popcorn, you can meet this requirement with a balanced diet of fruits, veggies, soups, and various beverages. But now that we are in convection oven weather, your water requirements might have changed. I can already hear it now. “But Bri! If I drink so much water I have to pee all the time.” If that’s the case, I’d wager you are drinking water incorrectly. Chugging water in one go freaks your body out. Your body perceives a large amount of water at one time as a danger, activating something known as the “bolus response.” To protect you from rapid hyponatremia- the dilution of salt in your blood, which is very dangerous- your body will excrete most of your water-chugging marathon. So you’ll still be dehydrated and running to the bathroom 75 times. Instead, it is far better to sip your water throughout the day. Contrary to popular belief, sipping water throughout the day will not make you live in the bathroom. In fact, one study done on water volume intake found that those who sipped water throughout the day not only retained more water (hydrated) but excreted less. If you are sweating significantly, adding electrolytes can help hydrate more efficiently. Now before I go further- I cannot stress this enough- if you have a heart or kidney condition please check with your doctor before you go messing with your electrolyte levels. If you have any of these conditions, messing with your electrolytes without medical supervision can be disastrous. With that out of the way, my favorite electrolyte replacement is LMNT- unlike many electrolyte supplements, it contains salt. It’s an acquired taste- read, watermelon-flavored ocean water. My next recommendation is Liquid IV, which you can find in any supermarket. If you aren’t feeling additives, coconut water is nature’s Gatorade. Or if you have few options, a pinch of sea salt in a glass of water will do. So next time a word escapes you or your body’s check engine light clicks on, check your water levels. See you in class! Briana SUMMER CHALLENGE ENDS ON AUGUST 17TH We've had a lot of fun over these last 9 weeks and we hope your challenge - YOU AGAINST YOU - was a success! We noticed you staying so focused and determined! Please stop by the front desk during the week of August 17 - 24 to have the front desk staff help you get your updated body composition numbers and see the results for yourself! If you'd like to share your results, we are all ears! But no pressure! It's YOU against YOU! JULY SALE STARTS TODAY! Ends July 7th CLASS PACKAGES ARE ON SALE! BUY 20 CLASSES GET 4 FREE | BUY 10 CLASSES GET 2 FREE | BUY 5 CLASSES GET 1 FREE RETAIL IS 20% OFF (EXCLUDES GRIP SOCKS)
A new monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana has joined our team at CoreStrong and we are so lucky! Briana has a wealth of knowledge and loves to research and share her findings! With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork. ALL ABOUT THOSE MUSCLES! What if I told you that after you turn 30, you lose 3 to 5 percent of your muscle mass every decade? What if I told you muscle mass and bone density are inextricably linked? What if I told you bone density and low muscle mass are a huge risk factor for falls, which are the leading cause of death in people 65 and older? And finally, what if I told you how much muscle mass a woman has predicts her mortality rate, when all other factors are accounted for? Do I have your attention? These aren’t statistics to scare you, but I would be remiss not to lay reality at your feet. Here’s the good news, when it comes to your body composition- your muscle mass, bone density, and body fat- you absolutely have a say. In this article, we will focus on muscle growth and recovery, which is very different for women than men. Unlike men, women have larger type 1 fibers, which means we are built for endurance and more efficient at using fat as an energy source than glucose. We also have- wait for it- fluctuating hormones, which play a major role in how well we recover and build muscle. But first, a quick crash course review of fluctuating hormones and the menstrual cycle. Bear with me, this is important. On average, the menstrual cycle is 28 days long. We have the menstruation phase, where our hormones are at their lowest, and we are more biologically similar to men. Then we have our follicular phase, where estrogen is queen, followed by ovulation, and finally, the luteal phase, where progesterone reigns supreme. Why is this important information for muscle growth and recovery? In the first half of the cycle, you are better primed for recovery and muscle growth, so now is the time to get after those strength gains! In the second half, your estrogen drops which decreases the growing capacity of muscle, and you are left to grapple with progesterone, which not only increases muscle breakdown, but also increases your core temperature, and lowers your blood plasma volume, making your heart work harder to pump the blood where it is needed. If you aren’t feeling as strong in the second half of your cycle, this hormone shift is why. Understanding this natural fluctuation can help you make informed decisions about how you recover and when to plan harder workouts. Ok, that’s great, but what if you are on hormonal birth control? This is where the science gets murky- there is simply not enough research for a solid conclusion. Women take hormonal contraceptives for many reasons beyond avoiding a baby. Some women take it to manage polycystic ovarian syndrome, migraines, or other hormonal imbalances. As such, there are so many different types of hormonal contraceptives using different synthetic hormones that no one study can cover them all. However, from a meta-analysis of the studies available, it does appear that hormonal contraceptives have a slight negative effect on muscle growth. Maybe that ship has sailed, and you are perimenopausal or experiencing menopause. With the cessation of nearly all hormones, gaining and maintaining muscle mass is a real battle. In fact, women experience an accelerated loss of muscle mass with menopausal onset. Strength training is no longer optional; adding high-intensity interval and sprint training is more important than ever to maintaining lean muscle. So is recovery and proper protein intake, which can feel impossible during this stage of life. No matter what stage of life you are in, muscle recovery remains the same, but the strategies and implementation may change. Recovery strategies that are universal no matter the age include a solid 7-9 hours of quality sleep and taking a rest day after an extreme workout. Unique to women is our absolute need for a cool down after a workout, with absolutely no exceptions. Unlike men, a woman’s body diverts blood away from her muscle tissues after a hard workout, decreasing oxygen and nutrient availability for muscle recovery. Cooling the body down, combined with compression gear can help return the blood back to central circulation where it is desperately needed for post-muscle recovery. And, at the risk of sounding like shameless self-promotion, massage can play a critical role in muscle recovery post-exercise. A recent study done on the benefits of massage post exercise found that circulation was increased over the entire body for a full 72 hours after a massage, whereas the control group had burdened blood flow for 72 hours. Now, you don’t have to book a massage after every workout- myofascial foam rolling can be a great boon for a post-exercise circulation boost! Nutrition is another non-negotiable, specifically protein. For optimal recovery, Dr. Stacy Sims, the world’s foremost female exercise physiologist, recommends 25-30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of finishing a workout to rebuild muscle and reduce the body’s signal to store body fat. If you are actively trying to build more muscle mass, you want to aim for 0.7 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight daily. So if you are a 140 lb woman actively trying to build muscle, you would aim for 112 g of protein daily. You also want to aim for a complete protein, so your collagen protein powder isn’t going to cut it. Make sure your protein includes leucine and valine, both amino acids that signal for muscle repair. Timing is also critical- you can’t eat a giant protein meal once and call it a day. The body needs protein spaced throughout the day. Dr. Sims recommends 30 grams of protein with each meal.And, as a woman, you need carbohydrates. Not having enough carbs will increase your stress hormone cortisol, which will increase your inflammation markers, which will downregulate growth hormones. The amount you need depends on your stage of life- menopausal women need less carbohydrates- but they are nonetheless another nonnegotiable. Aim for fruits and starchy veggies to help maintain healthy blood glucose levels. For more tailored, individual information regarding women’s health at any age, I highly recommend Dr. Stacy Sims’ books Roar and Next Level. No matter what stage of life you find yourself in, focusing on muscle gain and growth sets you up for a better quality of life. So as you continue this body composition challenge, remember, the number on the scale is far less important than building healthy muscle and bone. If you see that number tick upwards, but see a positive trend in muscle growth and bone density, give yourself a celebratory applause! See you in class! IT'S A GREAT TIME TO TREAT YOURSELF! Mend BodyWork has extended special pricing to our CoreStrong Members Please click the button below to find out more and to book your massage! SUMMER CHALLENGE IS COMING! 9 Weeks to get your game on! Gamification that is! Sign up on your app (find the trophy icon at the bottom of your main screen). This challenge is YOU against YOU! No stickers, no prizes, just results! Step #1 - Stop by the front desk anytime between June 5th - June 15th, to step on our new In Body machine. Please have our front desk staff assist you to get your reading. We'll give you a print out of lots of useful information about your body composition (muscle mass, etc). Hang onto that print out to compare your numbers at the end of the challenge. Step #2 - Include at least 2 Versa Climber classes a week (either Fast Class or Combo) in addition to your Mega only classes. The app will keep track for you! Your goal is to hit 16 Versa classes in 9 weeks. Totally doable! That's less than 2 a week! Step #3 - Stop by the front desk again anytime between August 17 and August 24 to have the front desk staff help you get your updated body composition numbers and see the results! Let's get one thing straight right off the bat! This challenge is not about weight loss. We just want you to see for yourself, just how effective the combination of Versa Climber and Megaformer classes are! If you'd like to share your results, we are all ears! But no pressure! It's YOU against YOU! A new monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana has joined our team at CoreStrong and we are so lucky! Briana has a wealth of knowledge and loves to research and share her findings! With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork. SLOW TWITCH VS FAST TWITCH AND WHY YOU SHOULD WORK BOTH! “Slow it down, that’s how you're going to get into those slow twitch muscle fibers and get those lean, strong muscles.” Slow-twitch…what? Settle in, we are here to talk about anatomy and physiology. Hold on- before you hit the snooze button, knowing the difference between muscle fibers and how to hack them will make you a better, stronger, faster and healthier human. Far beyond aesthetics, training the body is the single most important longevity drug, according to Outlive author Dr. Peter Attia. And proper training for longevity takes a well-rounded understanding of the hows and the whys. So let’s get to it! Human skeletal muscle is composed of two types of fibers (fibers here are synonymous with cells). These fibers are known as slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibers. Every muscle in the body has both fibers, but the proportion found in each muscle depends on the muscle’s function, our age, our sex, our fitness level, and our main activities. Slow-twitch fibers are the fibers our CoreStrong instructors focus on during class. Also known as Type 1 Slow-Oxidative Fibers, these fibers are endurance workhorses. Slow-twitch fibers have an extremely nutrient-rich blood supply via a dense capillary network. They contain a molecule known as myoglobin, which like hemoglobin in the blood, makes oxygen readily available to these fibers and gives muscles their distinct red color. These fibers also have a ton of mitochondria, which if you remember from 7th grade biology, are the powerhouse of the cell, manufacturing cellular energy from the ready supply of nutrients and oxygen. Because these muscles are energy self-sufficient, they can carry on quite a ways before they call it quits. We rely on these workhorse fibers for endurance movements like posture, long-distance walking, and stabilizing our bones and joints. It would stink if our back erectors gave up the ghost every five minutes. Fast-twitch muscle fibers, also known as Type 2 Fibers are classed as fast-oxidative and fast glycolytic, but for brevity and simplicity, we generalize and refer to them simply as fast-twitch muscle fibers. These fibers are larger and jam-packed with glycogen, but lack a nutrient-rich blood supply and myoglobin. Thus, they must make energy from their glycogen supply. Once that supply is depleted, it’s game over. The ready energy source and size of these fibers make them ideal for powerful explosive movements like sprinting and powerlifting, but once they fatigue, it takes time for them to recharge. As already mentioned working the slow-twitch muscle fibers sets you up for a more stable body, as you find more of these fibers supporting joints and posture. Because they rely on direct blood supply for nutrition, they have a high demand on the heart and lungs. So focusing on these fibers helps keep your cardiorespiratory system in tip-top shape. Fast twitch fibers are bigger, so working them makes you both faster and more powerful. And, if you want to grow bigger muscles, these are the fibers you want to focus on. In a general Mega class, those super slow, barely moving contractions recruit those slow-twitch fibers. But remember, to be a well-rounded human, you’ve got to make time for those fast-twitch fibers. Luckily you can here at CoreStrong! If you’ve been avoiding the Versa, you’ve neglected half your muscle fibers. Committing to a Versa Fast Class or a Combo Class is the perfect way to round out your workout- especially if you push yourself to your max during sprints. And now that we have our Versa Challenge going on, it’s the perfect time to commit and see how your body composition changes by recruiting both types of fibers. Good luck during this challenge and see you in class!
PLEASE HELP US WELCOME OUR NEW INSTRUCTORS! Our new instructors have been busy for months in training and practice and they are ready to lead you in a practice Megaformer class. Your first opportunity will be to take a class with Valerie on June 12th at 7:30 pm or June 19th at 2:00 pm. These classes are free and you can sign up right on your app! More community classes will be added over the next several weeks! Please be on the look out! IT'S NOT PILATES, IT'S LAGREE! Have you been telling your friends that you are taking Pilates at CoreStrong? I hear it all the time, even from those that have been coming to CS for years! It's time to clear up this misconception. Lagree and Pilates are not related in any way. Joseph Pilates created Pilates about 100 years ago and Sebastian Lagree created Lagree about 25 years ago. Two different men with two very different methods. Since its birth, Lagree Fitness has distinguished itself from every form of exercise, including Pilates, which lacks intensity. The Lagree Method utilizes tried and proven bodybuilding training techniques not inherent to Pilates. The union of these bodybuilding techniques and low-impact qualities, which are fundamental to Lagree Fitness, directly translate to rapid results. While Pilates is based on breathing, concentration, control, centering, flow postural alignment, and precision, Lagree Fitness is fundamentally based on the following: Effective Form, Effective Range of Motion, Effective Tempo, Effective Duration, Effective Sequence, Effective Transition, Effective Tension, and Effective Planes of Motion. In fact Pilates and Lagree are so different, that you can use the two different modalities to cross train! THE MEGAFORMER IS NOT A REFORMER! Lagree is not Pilates, and the Megaformer is not a reformer. Although the Megaformer was originally inspired by the reformer, the likeness stops there. To achieve the results only provided by the Lagree Method, Sebastien Lagree had to transform the reformer into a Megaformer. We all know what happens when you do the Lagree method on the Megaformer, your whole body shakes, you sweat, and the best part is just how sore you are the next day! Pilates is not Lagree and Lagree is not Pilates! We love Pilates and we hope you do too! In fact our Stretch Strong class is based on Pilates moves with a slow Lagree Tempo. But, when it comes to strength training and fast results, you can't beat the Lagree Method! Low Impact, yet High Intensity! Everyday someone leaves something at the studio! Water bottles, jackets, grip socks, you name it! Our bin if over flowing! Please make sure to retrieve your belongings as soon as possible, as we cannot be responsible for lost items. IF YOU ARRIVE ON TIME, YOU ARE LATE! DOORS ARE LOCKED AT CLASS TIME - - GET HERE 5 MINUTES EARLY SO YOU ARE READY TO GO - LATE ARRIVALS ARE NOT PERMITTED AND WILL BE MARKED AS A NO SHOW! A new monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana has joined our team at CoreStrong and already is making her mark! Here's a little bit about Briana: Briana is a fourth-generation Idaho native with a deep love of coffee and sitting outside staring at birds. With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork. When not stomping on muscle knots or reading the latest health-related journal articles, she's out in the mountains with her husband and dogs. HELP! I CAN'T SLEEP! AGAIN!! It’s 2 am. Your alarm clock is casting an annoying red light over your face. You can hear the fridge humming two rooms over. That stupid clock you keep telling yourself to toss out is ticking at decibel levels comparable to a fighter jet. You should be asleep. After all, you’ve participated in every new sleep hygiene technique under the sun. Phone off an hour before bed? Check. Avoid caffeine after 2 pm? Check. 20 minutes of meditation? Check. Exercise? Well, you are reading this article through CoreSrong so…. check. Then why does sleep seem to elude you every night? The answer may be simpler than you think. Are you eating enough calories throughout the day? And are those calories coming from nutrient-dense meals? It may seem like a strange, if not counterintuitive, tip given the diet-obsessed culture we live in today but hear me out. Sleep itself is a prolonged state of fasting. After a long day of doing everything, are you properly fuelled enough to weather the tissue repair and glucose-intense cognitive demands of sleep? For many, I think the answer is, “no.” And I get it. I grew up in the 90s when diet culture was all the rage, and 1,200 calories was the upper limit of calorie consumption for the diet-minded woman. A truly shocking number when, according to the National Library of Medicine, 1,000-1,400 calories is the recommended daily intake for a 2 to 4-year-old toddler, not a grown woman; Especially not a grown woman who is still of menstruating age. The NHS recommends 2,000 calories for the average woman. Now, I’m not a doctor- just a nerd who likes science articles. Your requirements are unique to you, and if you aren’t sure what your daily needs are, you can find out using the calculator by clicking on TOOL button at the end of this article. I bet your intake requirements are higher than you think. If you sit and think about it, the marriage of sleep and nutrition feels pretty intuitive to the human body, but if you remain sceptical, I’ve done the legwork and found a few studies to back my claims. A study done on nine overweight, premenopausal women found that “dieting significantly altered sleep patterns; sleep onset latency was lengthened, and slow-wave sleep decreased[1].” Slow wave sleep referenced here is also more commonly known as deep sleep, where tissue repair and recovery happen. Perhaps even more telling was a study done on 80 Japanese women between the ages of 18 and 27 years old. This study found that the group with low sleep efficiency had lower energy intake levels, and their levels of vitamin K, B2, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, and protein- especially tryptophan- were significantly lower than those in the group that reported high sleep efficiency[2]. Finally, a review titled, Interactions between sleep, stress, and metabolism: From physiological to pathological conditions found that food restriction can lead to a later sleep time onset and reduce the overall amount of slow-wave sleep[3]. Are there other factors that influence sleep? Of course, from cortisol to circadian rhythms to other sleep disorders, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds. But sometimes the answer to our sleep woes is simpler than we think. Like many things in life, sleep starts with a good, healthy, and balanced diet. [1] Karklin A, Driver HS, Buffenstein R. Restricted energy intake affects nocturnal body temperature and sleep patterns. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994 Feb;59(2):346-9. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/59.2.346. PMID: 8310984. [2] Hashimoto A, Inoue H, Kuwano T. Low energy intake and dietary quality are associated with low objective sleep quality in young Japanese women. Nutr Res. 2020 Aug;80:44-54. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2020.06.002. Epub 2020 Jun 6. PMID: 32682178. [3] Hirotsu C, Tufik S, Andersen ML. Interactions between sleep, stress, and metabolism: From physiological to pathological conditions. Sleep Sci. 2015 Nov;8(3):143-52. doi: 10.1016/j.slsci.2015.09.002. Epub 2015 Sep 28. PMID: 26779321; PMCID: PMC4688585. A TOUGH SUBJECT, BUT WE NEED TO TALK ....
Recently I reduced our late cancel fee to $15 if the booking was cancelled less than 12 hours, but more than 1 hour before class. I'm not sure what happened, but our fees increased by 4x! Yikes! My intent was that fees would go down, certainly not up. Late Cancel and No Show fees are necessary in order to keep you accountable to your workouts and to maintain a smooth flowing studio where everyone can get into their desired classes. I'd much rather have you save your money! When booking out your classes, please don't book unless you are fully committed to coming. Use the feature on the app to add your classes to your personal calendar. If you must cancel, do it right away, don't wait! $15 late cancel fees can add up, and i'm sure you can find something better to do with your money! The last minute cancellations and no shows really reek havoc, as far too many times, we have clients on the waitlist and the cancellation was so close to the start of class that there was no time to notify the waitlisted client. We have to fix this! Starting May 15th, cancellations taking place in less than 2 hours of class will now be charged $35. Our No Show fee will increase to $50. No doubt about it, we all live busy lives with full schedules these days! But, just think how much smoother your week will flow, by taking charge and managing your schedule ahead of time. As much as I appreciate your support of CoreStrong, save money on those late fees and come visit our retail department instead! Retail therapy is way more therapeutic! LAGREE 2.0 HAS ARRIVED AT CORESTRONG! If you've been wondering what in the world the instructors have been talking about recently, here's the scoop! Lagree is and will always be evolving, and Lagree 2.0 is a great example of that evolution in action. In the coming months, you'll be experiencing some changes in our routines. Lagree 2.0 is all about slower TEMPO and longer DURATION. So you might just see a 4 minute Runners Lunge in an upcoming routine, but not to worry, longer duration means lighter spring loads in order to maintain good form. Get ready to feel even stronger!
WHAT IS PERMANENT JEWELRY? Permanent jewelry is a type of jewelry that you can’t take on or off because it doesn’t have an end. Where there would otherwise be a manual closure, the piece is welded together to make it claspless jewelry. The intention of permanent jewelry is to be worn as an everyday piece of jewelry that lives on you as long as you’d like. JOIN US Link x Lou POP UP at CoreStrong on Saturday May 4th from 9 - 11:30 As always, I love to hear from you! Please reach out with feedback, suggestions or if you just need help with something! Your experience at CoreStrong is my #1 priority! [email protected]
Happy Spring! AND THE WINNER IS ........ We are so inspired by your commitment during our Winter Challenge! Thirty six of you proved just how tough you are by taking 24 classes in 7 weeks. Some of you really went crazy and completed over 30! Well Done! Be proud and embrace that "I'm unstoppable feeling"! Our first place winner of a 1 year unlimited membership to CoreStrong, along with a one-on-one 90 minute session with nutritionist Kari Brownsberg (toyourhealthwithkari.com) goes to ........ KATELYN MARTIN Congratulations Katelyn - your hard work really paid off! Our second place winner of a 20 class credit package, along with an IV Drip at BioFuse Boise - Boost your health and wellness (biofuse.net) goes to ........ Mie Ahmt Congratulations Mie - what an accomplishment! And just because we love give-a-ways, we've got a special wellness gift for 2 runner ups! The most relaxing facial you'll ever have with Candace Harvey of Bare Esthetics (bare-esthetics.com) goes to ........ Shannon Reilly and Allyson Turner Winners - please contact Cathy at [email protected] or track me down at the studio to redeem your prizes!
Not only do we have the best app available for your booking convenience, but our amazing app can do so much more than just book you into classes. Click here to check out our app guide. Have you ever thought about joining the CoreStrong Crew? We are hiring for our Front Desk! If you are a motivated, self starter, people loving kind of person, we'd love to talk with you. Please forward your resume to Cathy at [email protected].
Our Winter Challenge continues until February 23rdOur Winter Challenge continues until February 23rd, you've got 3 weeks to complete your goal of 24 classes! As you know our theme for this challenge has been "Longevity". I hope you've taken a moment or two to contemplate what that looks like for you. Did you know that ... Exercise has the greatest power to determine how you will live out the rest of your life? Yes, it's that important! Cardiovascular fitness is the single most powerful marker for longevity! Those Versa Climbers may seem a little intimidating, but if you want to set yourself up for a future you can look forward to, you'd better get started! You are in charge in the Versa classes! Your instructor will be guiding you, but you can choose to adjust your resistance, your stride and even your pace. It's the most fun you'll ever have doing cardio! Trust me! Combo classes at CoreStrong offer you both the benefits of elevating your heart rate on the Versa Climber and then heading into the Mega Studio for slow and controlled strength training for the perfect duo! Adding just a couple of combo classes a week can make a huge difference in your endurance and stamina. Please review our class descriptions prior to signing up to make sure you are setting yourself up for success! With only 12 spots available in our classes at CoreStrong, our cancellation and no show policies are instrumental in keeping the studio running smoothly.
For those of you that do your best to manage your schedule and cancel your bookings as soon as you realize you have a conflict, THANK YOU! Life happens and sometimes it's necessary to cancel less than 12 hours before class. We understand. And we appreciate your efforts. It's time that you are rewarded! Effective immediately, the late cancel fee has been reduced from $25 to $15. BUT, starting tomorrow, January 8, if you cancel less than an hour before class, the fee has been increased from $25 to $35. Our "No Show" fee remains the same at $35. Last month (December), we had 168 Late Cancels and 45 No Shows. Many of those late cancels took place minutes before class start time. Each time you "No Show" or cancel at the very last minute, you are preventing someone else from taking class. Quite a number of our classes are now at full capacity with a waitlist and that's just plain frustrating for you, me and the instructors when we have empty spots and clients left on the waitlist. LATE CANCEL AND NO SHOW FEES ARE NOW CHARGED FOR MEMBERSHIP AND CLASS PACKAGE CLIENTS LATE CANCEL - 1 - 12 HOURS BEFORE CLASS - $15 FEE LATE CANCEL - LESS THAN 1 HOUR BEFORE CLASS - $35 FEE NO SHOW - $35 FEE Due to the overwhelming number of emails received each day, we cannot give exceptions to the late cancel/no show policies. Thank you for your understanding and especially for your efforts to make a difference! HAPPY NEW YEAR!2024 is already off to a great start and we have so much to look forward to! We kick off our Winter Challenge on Friday, January 5th and have 6 weeks to complete 24 classes. We'll be learning what we can do to better our health and staying strong and fit at any age. Special prizes will be raffled off to keep our motivation high and don't forget, the winner of the challenge will receive a one year membership to CoreStrong! CLASSIC STRONG - ARE YOU READY FOR IT?If you've taken at least 10 classes (preferably 25), then the answer is yes! Get yourself out of auto pilot mode and try something new! Our Classic Strong class will challenge you to push a little harder, dig a little deeper and feel a whole lot stronger. Here's what to expect: More full body moves, more moves on the back of the Mega, slower Tempo, and lots of sweat. I challenge you to add one Classic Strong a week into your schedule and be on the lookout for even faster results. I'm looking to add additional Classic Strong classes to our weekly schedule - do you have a time you'd like to see it added?
Wishing you your happiest and healthiest year yet! As always, I love hearing from you, so don't hesitate to let me know of any questions, concerns or even complements on our team! I and the entire CoreStrong Team are here for you! Cathy Challenge runs January 5th - February 16thI can't tell you how excited I am to invite you to participate in our first challenge of the NEW YEAR! It's our biggest and best by far! Our theme for this challenge is "Longevity"! Make sure to sign up before January 1st. You'll have 6 weeks to complete 24 classes, starting on January 5th and ending on February 16th. 24 classes will get you put into the drawing. 1st place winner will be awarded a full Year Membership at CoreStrong ($2100 value) and a visit with Dr. Brandenburg at Wonder Medicine ($200 value). This is an opportunity to go over family health history and your goals for your longevity plan. Our 2nd place winner will win 20 classes and an IV Drip at Wonder Medicine. We'll also have drawings for giveaways to enhance your wellness journey throughout the 6 weeks. We have only one rule for this challenge - a "No Show" will disqualify you from the challenge.
I recently began the Longevity and Performance Program at Wonder Medicine. (I never promote anything, without putting myself through it first!) I had the opportunity to spend a full day with their top notch team. I started my day with blood work and glucose testing. I had a hearing test, vision test, and cognitive test, took a break for lunch and then met with their nutritionist and finished my day with fitness testing, including a VO2 max test, (I scored pretty high thanks to the VersaClimber!). The goal of all of this testing is to learn about any unseen health issues and disease risks, so that any potential issues can be identified at the earliest stage possible. Before starting a program like this, it's important to know your why. Why do you want to live longer and what do you want those extra years to look like. My personal story began over 13 years ago. My first grandchild was born just a few months before my 50th birthday. Turned out that being a "GaGa" (she named me!) has been one of the biggest highlights of my life! It wasn't long before I made a commitment to her that I was going to do everything I could, so that I could be here for her 50th birthday! That means I've got to make it to 100! With my CoreStrong workouts and the help of the Wonder Medicine Team, I can expect to experience exceptional health, emotional wellness and high performance for my next 37 years! What's your why, your story? I'd love to hear from you! Email me or catch me at the studio. I and the entire CoreStrong Team are here to help you attain your strongest year yet! We are all here cheering you on! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Cathy Challenges, Gifts and More!As in life, when one challenge ends, along comes another one! Our Fall Challenge Ends on December 6th and our Winners will be Announced on December 8th! Stay tuned and follow us on Instagram to hear the news first! OUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE OF THE YEAR STARTS ON JANUARY 5, 2024![]() For this challenge, we are collaborating with Wonder Medicine and our theme is LONGEVITY! You are never too young and never too old to make changes to ensure a healthier tomorrow! Sign up to participate (1 time only please) at the front desk. Give your Bestie an unforgettable gift this year!CoreStrong Gift Certificates are available now (at the front desk) and our final sale of the year is here to make your gift giving even sweeter!
Classic, Foundations or Essentials? We offer 3 different levels of classes and the why might just surprise you! Classic Strong is our ADVANCED LEVEL class - You might think, "I'm in good shape, I can handle this one!" Not exactly! This class is not taught with any modifications! You will need to know the moves and have a good understanding of the Lagree Method before jumping in! This class is not suitable for pregnancy or injuries. At least 10 previous classes at CoreStrong are required before you can take a Classic Strong Class. Foundations is our Intermediate/Beginner class - Our most popular class by far! You'll be perfecting your form, focusing on tempo and building your strength and mind/body awareness. Modifications and challenges are offered. Most of the moves are on the front, but be prepared for some challenging back of the Mega moves too! Make sure to let your instructor know before class of pregnancy or injuries. Essentials is our Beginner class - You will want to start your journey here, regardless of your fitness level. All the moves are taught on the front of the Mega and only modifications are offered. This class will give you a chance to build your strength deeply without trying to muscle through. Everyone is welcome in Essentials, and don't let that beginner status fool you. This might be our toughest class of all! This class is suitable for pregnancy or injuries. As we enter into the busiest time of the year, may I offer some advice? Take time for yourself! Don't let your workouts fall by the wayside. Your sanity is worth protecting! And we all know how hard it is to get back on the mega after even a week away!
I and your CoreStrong Team wish you a safe and happy holiday season! As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns. Cathy We've got some GOOD NEWS, |
Monthly Recurring and Monthly Non Recurring Memberships: $205 per month (existing memberships will be increased at next renewal after the 15th). If you take just 12 classes a month, that's just $17 a class! 8 Classes A Month Membership: $145 per month (existing memberships will be increased at next renewal after the 15th) 8 classes a month at just $18 a class! 12 Month Auto Pay Membership: $185 per month (existing memberships will not be effected until membership expires) This membership requires a 12 month commitment! Taking just 12 classes a month = $15.40 a class | Annual Membership: $2100 (that's just $175 a month or $14.50 a class based on 12 classes a month) ALL MEMBERSHIPS COME WITH FREE MONTHLY GUEST PASSES AND ALL MEMBERSHIPS CAN BE PLACED ON HOLD FOR VACATIONS, INJURIES, ETC. (hold must be at least 7 days). Please email the studio at [email protected] or talk to the Front Desk Crew to set up your hold. Class Packages: 5 Classes $130 10 Classes $240 20 Classes $440 Drop In $32 New Client Special - 2 Classes for $20 |
Black Friday Sale
Our Annual Membership will be on sale for $1800! That's just $150 a month! $12.50 a class if taking 12 classes a month!
One last chance to get last years pricing on our 12 month auto pay at $170 a month or $14.15 a class if taking 12 classes a month!
One last chance to get last years pricing on our 12 month auto pay at $170 a month or $14.15 a class if taking 12 classes a month!
Instructor Spotlight: Get to Know Heather!

Heather is a native Idahoan, she prefers tequila over wine and beer, has 2 doodles, and recently has taken up golf! Heather is also our only original! That's right, she's been with CoreStrong from day #1! If you've taken a Heather class, you know that she always delivers the most intense burn possible, all while keeping you laughing and entertained. She's a true bad ass if there ever was one!
Final Notes...
In one month, October, we've had 169 of you late cancel and 52 of you no showed. Can we do better? I know we can! A mega sits empty each time you late cancel with less than an hour before class or you no show. Numerous clients are on the waitlists, trying to get into class. We all live busy lives, but there is always time to be considerate. Thank you in advance for doing your best to help with this issue. I hope I have way lower numbers to report next month!
I and the entire CoreStrong team are grateful that you have entrusted your fitness journey with us. We don't take that responsibility lightly and remain committed to making CoreStrong your forever community! As always, please reach out to me with praise, or concerns! I love hearing from you!
In one month, October, we've had 169 of you late cancel and 52 of you no showed. Can we do better? I know we can! A mega sits empty each time you late cancel with less than an hour before class or you no show. Numerous clients are on the waitlists, trying to get into class. We all live busy lives, but there is always time to be considerate. Thank you in advance for doing your best to help with this issue. I hope I have way lower numbers to report next month!
I and the entire CoreStrong team are grateful that you have entrusted your fitness journey with us. We don't take that responsibility lightly and remain committed to making CoreStrong your forever community! As always, please reach out to me with praise, or concerns! I love hearing from you!
And we can't wait to celebrate with you!
The best way to celebrate a Birthday is with a Challenge! Our Fall Challenge will begin on October 25 and end on December 6th. Six Weeks to complete 22 classes! Sign up at the front desk beginning Tuesday, October 10th. Last day to sign up is October 24.
Complete 22 classes to be entered into our drawing to win!
All summer long we challenged you to bring guests to class for free and WOW, you brought your friends, your family, your co-workers, and even people you met at the grocery store! We love sharing the Lagree Method with EVERYONE!
Congratulations to Ruby Mulcahy and Trevor Hartnett! You've both won an unlimited month membership!
And we can't wait to celebrate with you!
The best way to celebrate a Birthday is with a Challenge! Our Fall Challenge will begin on October 25 and end on December 6th. Six Weeks to complete 22 classes! Sign up at the front desk beginning Tuesday, October 10th. Last day to sign up is October 24.
Complete 22 classes to be entered into our drawing to win!
- 1st Place - 1 Month Unlimited Membership
- 2nd Place - 10 Class Credits
- 3rd Place - 5 Class Credits
All summer long we challenged you to bring guests to class for free and WOW, you brought your friends, your family, your co-workers, and even people you met at the grocery store! We love sharing the Lagree Method with EVERYONE!
Congratulations to Ruby Mulcahy and Trevor Hartnett! You've both won an unlimited month membership!

Get to know Jordan! It was love at first Shake for Jordan - her very first Lagree class! And Mega Donkey Kicks always deliver! Jordan had been teaching Spin classes for 6 years and Climb classes for 2 years before moving to Boise. She trained with me all summer and is now on the schedule! You can find her teaching classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights and also Saturday mornings.
Her advice to a first timer is to start slowly, small goals and consistency is everything. We couldn't Lagree more!
Get to know Jordan! It was love at first Shake for Jordan - her very first Lagree class! And Mega Donkey Kicks always deliver! Jordan had been teaching Spin classes for 6 years and Climb classes for 2 years before moving to Boise. She trained with me all summer and is now on the schedule! You can find her teaching classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights and also Saturday mornings.
Her advice to a first timer is to start slowly, small goals and consistency is everything. We couldn't Lagree more!

Get to know Natalie! Natalie was addicted to Lagree when she started to see and feel the change in both her mind and her body! She loves the method because it never gets easier! Natalie found the Lagree Method while living in Australia and then became an instructor when she moved to Aspen. And now she and her family have made Boise their home! You can find Natalie on the schedule on Mondays at noon and 1pm and will soon add a few more class times.
Her advice to advanced clients is to challenge yourself to level up with each class. Move just a little bit slower and push just a little bit harder. That's some great advice to see and feel results fast!
Get to know Natalie! Natalie was addicted to Lagree when she started to see and feel the change in both her mind and her body! She loves the method because it never gets easier! Natalie found the Lagree Method while living in Australia and then became an instructor when she moved to Aspen. And now she and her family have made Boise their home! You can find Natalie on the schedule on Mondays at noon and 1pm and will soon add a few more class times.
Her advice to advanced clients is to challenge yourself to level up with each class. Move just a little bit slower and push just a little bit harder. That's some great advice to see and feel results fast!
As always, I love hearing from you! You can respond right to this newsletter or email me at [email protected]. How are you enjoying our new Versa/Mega Classes? Do you have suggestions for class times? I want to know!
Have a wonderful month!
Have a wonderful month!
Hey CORESTRONG, here's what you need to know this month at the studio!
Preview Weekend is only 2 weeks away and you won't want to miss this! Try out our new Versa studio with a free 1/2 hour combo class, swag bags and enter to win a 1 month membership!
What should I expect with a Megaformer
and VersaClimber Combo Class?
Get ready for one of the absolute best workouts you've ever had! We all know how effective a Mega workout is, but with the added benefit of cardio on the VersaClimber, you will reach heights that you didn't know were possible. Your heart and lungs will benefit along with every muscle in your body!
You may be asking ...... but can I do it? The answer is YES! The VersaClimber, just like the Megaformer is adaptable to everyone and any fitness level. Our new combo classes will ease you into the cardio aspect with just 10 minutes on the VersaClimber and 35 minutes on the Megaformer. Eventually, the Essentials Combo Class will offer 10 minutes on the VersaClimber and 35 minutes on the Megaformer. The Foundations Combo Class will offer 15 minutes on the VersaClimber and 30 minutes on the Megaformer and The Classic Strong Class will offer 20 minutes on the VersaClimber and 25 minutes on the Megaformer.
During Preview Weekend, our 1/2 hour classes will be 10 minutes on the VersaClimber and 20 minutes on the Megaformer
And the best news of all, your memberships and credits cover all class options at CoreStrong!
What should I expect with a Megaformer
and VersaClimber Combo Class?
Get ready for one of the absolute best workouts you've ever had! We all know how effective a Mega workout is, but with the added benefit of cardio on the VersaClimber, you will reach heights that you didn't know were possible. Your heart and lungs will benefit along with every muscle in your body!
You may be asking ...... but can I do it? The answer is YES! The VersaClimber, just like the Megaformer is adaptable to everyone and any fitness level. Our new combo classes will ease you into the cardio aspect with just 10 minutes on the VersaClimber and 35 minutes on the Megaformer. Eventually, the Essentials Combo Class will offer 10 minutes on the VersaClimber and 35 minutes on the Megaformer. The Foundations Combo Class will offer 15 minutes on the VersaClimber and 30 minutes on the Megaformer and The Classic Strong Class will offer 20 minutes on the VersaClimber and 25 minutes on the Megaformer.
During Preview Weekend, our 1/2 hour classes will be 10 minutes on the VersaClimber and 20 minutes on the Megaformer
And the best news of all, your memberships and credits cover all class options at CoreStrong!
Where do I park?
Occasionally you may show up and find that our parking lot is already full. We have 11 spots in our lot and do our best to keep those spots available to just our clients. Additional street parking is available just across the street or just up the street on Americana.
Please do not park in the parking lot of other businesses or in the side lot behind us as that is not our property. Just like our parking lot, they are not for public use, they are private property.
If you are not sure of where the additional street parking is please ask your instructor or front desk person to show you!
Thank you for exiting our parking lot as soon as possible after class, allowing space for those attending the next class.
Please do not park in the parking lot of other businesses or in the side lot behind us as that is not our property. Just like our parking lot, they are not for public use, they are private property.
If you are not sure of where the additional street parking is please ask your instructor or front desk person to show you!
Thank you for exiting our parking lot as soon as possible after class, allowing space for those attending the next class.
We highly recommend you join the waitlist for a class you'd like to attend. Odds are good that you will get in, and if you do get added from the waitlist you will be notified via email, so keep checking! The cutoff for adding you is 1 hour before class.
Once you are added into class from the waitlist, the late cancel and no show policies apply, so if your plans have changed and you no longer want to take class, take yourself off of the waitlist.
Once you are added into class from the waitlist, the late cancel and no show policies apply, so if your plans have changed and you no longer want to take class, take yourself off of the waitlist.
Instructor Highlight: KayLeigh Kent

Get to know your instructors with this fun, monthly Q & A!
What's your hometown?
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
The last movie that made you cry?
Firefly Lane (Netflix TV show)
Do you have any pets?
1 dog, Bowie and 1 cat, Sota
What does a healthy lifestyle look like to you?
Moving my body in different ways, and eating food that makes me feel good!
Fun Fact! KayLeigh and her husband are expecting their first baby in early November!
Get to know your instructors with this fun, monthly Q & A!
What's your hometown?
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
The last movie that made you cry?
Firefly Lane (Netflix TV show)
Do you have any pets?
1 dog, Bowie and 1 cat, Sota
What does a healthy lifestyle look like to you?
Moving my body in different ways, and eating food that makes me feel good!
Fun Fact! KayLeigh and her husband are expecting their first baby in early November!
As always, I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at [email protected].
I hope to see you at the studio soon!
I hope to see you at the studio soon!
Hey CORESTRONG! Here's what we have going on this month at the studio...

VERSACLIMBER is coming to CoreStrong in September!
We've been busy over the past few months renovating our studio next door to bring you a whole new workout option to add to our class lineup. Get ready to meet the VersaClimber in September! We will be offering combo classes (Mega and Versa) in addition to our full Megaformer classes. These new class offerings will be included in your membership!
VersaClimber was created over 40 years ago and has since become the #1 vertical total body workout cardio trainer. Comparable to running or cycling, but better, because it includes resistance training. Just like Lagree, it's low impact and high intensity! Whether you're an athlete or just a person who wants to reach optimal fitness, VersaClimber combines cardio and resistance training in a way that will help you build better posture and a more powerful body!
*Keep an eye on our Instagram for instructional videos and more updates on the VersaClimber!
We've been busy over the past few months renovating our studio next door to bring you a whole new workout option to add to our class lineup. Get ready to meet the VersaClimber in September! We will be offering combo classes (Mega and Versa) in addition to our full Megaformer classes. These new class offerings will be included in your membership!
VersaClimber was created over 40 years ago and has since become the #1 vertical total body workout cardio trainer. Comparable to running or cycling, but better, because it includes resistance training. Just like Lagree, it's low impact and high intensity! Whether you're an athlete or just a person who wants to reach optimal fitness, VersaClimber combines cardio and resistance training in a way that will help you build better posture and a more powerful body!
*Keep an eye on our Instagram for instructional videos and more updates on the VersaClimber!
Instructor Highlight: Kerry Flaker Get to know your instructors with this fun, monthly Q & A! What's your hometown? I was born in Hawaii and lived in 5 east coast states growing up. My parents are still in Newport, RI The last movie/show that made you cry? Actually it was the last episode of … Ted Lasso that made me cry! Do you have any pets? Yellow lab- BRADLEY Tabby cat-SNOOPS Favorite pizza topping? Artichokes How does a healthy lifestyle look to you? A balance of exercise, clean eating, and enjoying life to the fullest with family and friends! Any hobbies? I love anything outdoors! Trail running, hiking, and camping. |

Summer Challenge
One more month of our Summer Challenge which means one more month to bring up to 5 first time guests to class.
Use PROMO CODE LAGREEFRIENDS at checkout to purchase our DROP IN CLASS and sign your friends up as your guest for free!
First time guests only please :)
You + your guest will be entered in our drawing to win a One Month Unlimited Membership!
One more month of our Summer Challenge which means one more month to bring up to 5 first time guests to class.
Use PROMO CODE LAGREEFRIENDS at checkout to purchase our DROP IN CLASS and sign your friends up as your guest for free!
First time guests only please :)
You + your guest will be entered in our drawing to win a One Month Unlimited Membership!
Essentials Class Whether you are new to CoreStrong or near instructor status consider booking an ESSENTIALS class.
As always, I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at [email protected].
I hope to see you at the studio soon!
I hope to see you at the studio soon!
Cancellation Policy Changes Effective July 1st
We will be returning to a 12 hour cancellation for ALL classes effective July 1st.
Can we be honest? Late cancels and no-shows are taking their toll on our ability to operate efficiently at CoreStrong. Many clients have been unable to book classes as they appear to be full with a waitlist. Yet, in reality, very few classes are full at the time class takes place due to last minute cancellations and no shows.
Late Cancel & No Show fees are necessary. Why?
Avoiding fees, keeps you accountable to yourself and encourages you to show up for class.
How to avoid Late Cancel and No Show fees:
We will be returning to a 12 hour cancellation for ALL classes effective July 1st.
Can we be honest? Late cancels and no-shows are taking their toll on our ability to operate efficiently at CoreStrong. Many clients have been unable to book classes as they appear to be full with a waitlist. Yet, in reality, very few classes are full at the time class takes place due to last minute cancellations and no shows.
Late Cancel & No Show fees are necessary. Why?
Avoiding fees, keeps you accountable to yourself and encourages you to show up for class.
How to avoid Late Cancel and No Show fees:
(even if that's 5 mins before class) - Use the calendar feature at the top right corner of our app to add your booking to your personal calendar
- Please don't book yourself out unless you are committed to coming
- Don't sign up for the waitlist unless you are willing to check your email for notifications
Summer Special!
Starting July 1st through July 7th, take advantage of this Summer Special pricing!
Starting July 1st through July 7th, take advantage of this Summer Special pricing!
Stretch Strong - Have You Tried It?
Consistency is key when building a healthy habit, but your body needs time to repair after a high intensity class at CoreStrong.
Stretch Strong is the perfect class to take on your recovery days!
Using Pilates & Yoga principals along with the slow tempo of Lagree, you will find the Stretch Strong class to feel somewhat challenging yet restorative at the same time. Increased flexibility is the #1 goal!
Stretch Strong classes are offered:
Consistency is key when building a healthy habit, but your body needs time to repair after a high intensity class at CoreStrong.
Stretch Strong is the perfect class to take on your recovery days!
Using Pilates & Yoga principals along with the slow tempo of Lagree, you will find the Stretch Strong class to feel somewhat challenging yet restorative at the same time. Increased flexibility is the #1 goal!
Stretch Strong classes are offered:
- Tuesday's at 11:00 am
- Thursday's at 4:30 pm
As always, I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at [email protected].
I hope to see you at the studio soon!
I hope to see you at the studio soon!
Your Team has got some Big News to share with You

We've been working on a vision for over a year now and we're so excited to announce that CoreStrong, will soon be adding Versa Climbers into the space next door. This exciting addition will provide you with a new and challenging workout experience that is sure to take your fitness to the next level.
The VersaClimber is a total body workout machine that provides a high-intensity, low-impact workout experience. It's perfect for those looking to add a cardio component to their Lagree routine. With its vertical climbing motion, the VersaClimber engages all the major muscle groups in the body, including the core, legs, and arms, making it an ideal tool for full-body conditioning.
Another great advantage of the VersaClimber is its versatility. The machine can be adjusted to accommodate all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.
Renovations in our space next door will commence in the next few weeks! Stay tuned, for more details coming soon!
The VersaClimber is a total body workout machine that provides a high-intensity, low-impact workout experience. It's perfect for those looking to add a cardio component to their Lagree routine. With its vertical climbing motion, the VersaClimber engages all the major muscle groups in the body, including the core, legs, and arms, making it an ideal tool for full-body conditioning.
Another great advantage of the VersaClimber is its versatility. The machine can be adjusted to accommodate all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.
Renovations in our space next door will commence in the next few weeks! Stay tuned, for more details coming soon!

Summer Challenge Starts Today!
There's no better time than right now to introduce your friends to Lagree Fitness at CoreStrong! Our challenge to you is to bring up to 5 first time guests to class. Use PROMO CODE LAGREEFRIENDS at checkout to purchase our DROP IN CLASS and sign your friends up as your guest for free! First time guests only please!
You and your guest will be entered in our drawing to win a One Month Unlimited Membership!
Mindy Gaddis - 20 Classes
Jill Torres - 10 Classes
Anne Wolverton - 5 Classes
There's no better time than right now to introduce your friends to Lagree Fitness at CoreStrong! Our challenge to you is to bring up to 5 first time guests to class. Use PROMO CODE LAGREEFRIENDS at checkout to purchase our DROP IN CLASS and sign your friends up as your guest for free! First time guests only please!
You and your guest will be entered in our drawing to win a One Month Unlimited Membership!
Mindy Gaddis - 20 Classes
Jill Torres - 10 Classes
Anne Wolverton - 5 Classes
Cancellation Policy Change
We gave it our best shot, but clearly our 2 hour cancellation policy is not working! Unfortunately with so many last minute cancellations and no shows, clients have not been able to get into class and class sizes have been dwindling.
Please take note, that beginning July 1st, all weekend classes and all morning classes before 9 am will go back to a 12 hour cancellation. No exceptions.
To avoid late cancel and no show fees, please only sign up when you know you can make it!
We gave it our best shot, but clearly our 2 hour cancellation policy is not working! Unfortunately with so many last minute cancellations and no shows, clients have not been able to get into class and class sizes have been dwindling.
Please take note, that beginning July 1st, all weekend classes and all morning classes before 9 am will go back to a 12 hour cancellation. No exceptions.
To avoid late cancel and no show fees, please only sign up when you know you can make it!
Sign Up and Show Up
One common mistake many people make with their fitness routine is not fully committing to their classes. However, making a commitment to sign up and show up for classes can help maximize your results and set you on a path to success. The key to making this commitment is using the 2-hour cancellation policy as a tool rather than a crutch. Sign up only for classes that you know you can attend and use the 2-hour cancellation policy only when unforeseen circumstances arise. When you sign up for classes sporadically and cancel last minute, you're not only hurting your own fitness journey but also affecting the energy in the class and it can be very discouraging to your instructor. By being respectful of others’ time and energy, you will establish a routine and make your well being a priority in your life. With consistency and dedication, you'll see the results you desire in no time.
One common mistake many people make with their fitness routine is not fully committing to their classes. However, making a commitment to sign up and show up for classes can help maximize your results and set you on a path to success. The key to making this commitment is using the 2-hour cancellation policy as a tool rather than a crutch. Sign up only for classes that you know you can attend and use the 2-hour cancellation policy only when unforeseen circumstances arise. When you sign up for classes sporadically and cancel last minute, you're not only hurting your own fitness journey but also affecting the energy in the class and it can be very discouraging to your instructor. By being respectful of others’ time and energy, you will establish a routine and make your well being a priority in your life. With consistency and dedication, you'll see the results you desire in no time.

Spring Challenge
You've come this far, and you've worked hard to get here. Don't let all that effort go to waste now - this is the final sprint, and it's time to give it everything you've got. You may be feeling tired, or maybe you're starting to lose motivation. You may be thinking that it's impossible to finish the challenge at this point. But I'm here to tell you - it's not too late. Two weeks is plenty of time to complete those final classes and reach your goal. So don't give up just yet. Remember why you started the spring challenge in the first place. Maybe you wanted to get stronger, or to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Maybe you wanted to prove to yourself that you could do it. Whatever your reason, hold onto that motivation. Think about how amazing you'll feel when you cross that finish line. You'll be proud of the hard work you've put in, and you'll have achieved something that many people don't. Plus, your body will thank you for it. You'll be stronger, more toned, and more energized - and who doesn't want that? So let's finish the spring challenge strong. Dig deep, find that inner strength, and push yourself harder than you thought possible. You've got this - let's do it!
You've come this far, and you've worked hard to get here. Don't let all that effort go to waste now - this is the final sprint, and it's time to give it everything you've got. You may be feeling tired, or maybe you're starting to lose motivation. You may be thinking that it's impossible to finish the challenge at this point. But I'm here to tell you - it's not too late. Two weeks is plenty of time to complete those final classes and reach your goal. So don't give up just yet. Remember why you started the spring challenge in the first place. Maybe you wanted to get stronger, or to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Maybe you wanted to prove to yourself that you could do it. Whatever your reason, hold onto that motivation. Think about how amazing you'll feel when you cross that finish line. You'll be proud of the hard work you've put in, and you'll have achieved something that many people don't. Plus, your body will thank you for it. You'll be stronger, more toned, and more energized - and who doesn't want that? So let's finish the spring challenge strong. Dig deep, find that inner strength, and push yourself harder than you thought possible. You've got this - let's do it!

CoreStrong is Hiring Front Desk Staff
Earn $15 an Hour and Get a Free Monthly Membership. This is a part-time position that you can fit around your schedule. As a front desk staff member, your responsibilities will include greeting guests, checking them in for classes, answering questions about our services, and keeping our studio clean and organized. You'll need to have good communication skills, a positive attitude, and a willingness to learn. To be considered for the position, you must be able to commit to at least 8 hours a week. We're looking for someone who's reliable, punctual, and committed to helping us provide the best possible experience for our clients. If you're interested in working with us, please email Cathy at [email protected] or drop off your resume at the front desk. We look forward to hearing from you!
Earn $15 an Hour and Get a Free Monthly Membership. This is a part-time position that you can fit around your schedule. As a front desk staff member, your responsibilities will include greeting guests, checking them in for classes, answering questions about our services, and keeping our studio clean and organized. You'll need to have good communication skills, a positive attitude, and a willingness to learn. To be considered for the position, you must be able to commit to at least 8 hours a week. We're looking for someone who's reliable, punctual, and committed to helping us provide the best possible experience for our clients. If you're interested in working with us, please email Cathy at [email protected] or drop off your resume at the front desk. We look forward to hearing from you!

Effective Form and Body Alignment
The key to getting the most out of your workout at CoreStrong is to ensure that you are using proper form and body alignment throughout each exercise. Proper form and body alignment are essential in Lagree Fitness for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps to ensure that you are targeting the correct muscles and getting the maximum benefit from each exercise. When you use proper form, you engage not just the targeted muscles, but also the surrounding muscles, which leads to a more effective and efficient workout. Additionally, good form and body alignment help to prevent injuries. When you are performing exercises with poor form, you put unnecessary stress on your joints and muscles. Over time, this can lead to injuries and chronic pain, both of which can diminish your ability to work out and lead an active lifestyle. Another important reason why proper form and body alignment are essential is that they help you to maintain a neutral spine. When you have good form, you are able to keep your spine in a neutral position, which protects your spinal discs and reduces the risk of spinal compression. Finally, proper form and body alignment help you to get the most out of each workout by improving your mind-body connection. When you focus on using proper form, you develop a deeper understanding of your body and your movements. This heightened awareness allows you to push yourself harder and achieve better results. Your instructor is here to help, by guiding you through class using cues and hands on adjustments and if you ever feel like you need additional clarification, don’t hesitate to ask after class. By focusing on using proper form and body alignment in your workouts, you can achieve better results, have more fun, and feel great!
The key to getting the most out of your workout at CoreStrong is to ensure that you are using proper form and body alignment throughout each exercise. Proper form and body alignment are essential in Lagree Fitness for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps to ensure that you are targeting the correct muscles and getting the maximum benefit from each exercise. When you use proper form, you engage not just the targeted muscles, but also the surrounding muscles, which leads to a more effective and efficient workout. Additionally, good form and body alignment help to prevent injuries. When you are performing exercises with poor form, you put unnecessary stress on your joints and muscles. Over time, this can lead to injuries and chronic pain, both of which can diminish your ability to work out and lead an active lifestyle. Another important reason why proper form and body alignment are essential is that they help you to maintain a neutral spine. When you have good form, you are able to keep your spine in a neutral position, which protects your spinal discs and reduces the risk of spinal compression. Finally, proper form and body alignment help you to get the most out of each workout by improving your mind-body connection. When you focus on using proper form, you develop a deeper understanding of your body and your movements. This heightened awareness allows you to push yourself harder and achieve better results. Your instructor is here to help, by guiding you through class using cues and hands on adjustments and if you ever feel like you need additional clarification, don’t hesitate to ask after class. By focusing on using proper form and body alignment in your workouts, you can achieve better results, have more fun, and feel great!

Mother's Day is around the corner and we've got a gift idea for you!
Purchase a gift certificate right on your app! 5 Classes for $100 and we'll include a pair of Tavi Noir Grip Socks. We'll even gift wrap it for you!
This special is available May 1st thru May 14th only
Spring Challenge - April 15TH - May 15TH We know how much you love stickers! So get ready to challenge yourself to build strength, consistency and just an overall feeling of greatness! 31 days to complete 16 classes will get you entered into our drawing to win a 20 class package, a 10 class package, or a 5 class package. Sign up at the studio starting April 1st! Last day to sign up is April 14th. Or email the studio to get signed up. |
What Happens when I move even slower ... In Lagree, we use a slow tempo during every exercise! It's a key component to the effectiveness of the workout. When you perform exercises slowly, you activate and recruit more muscle fibers. That's because slow movements require the muscle fibers to work harder and engage for a longer period of time, resulting in increased time under tension. As a result, more muscle fibers are recruited and stimulated, leading to improved strength, endurance, and enhanced muscle definition. Slow movements also help promote better form and alignment, which can reduce the risk of injury and improve overall effectiveness. Slowing your tempo down, is a challenging way to increase intensity and get more of a burn! There is no such thing as going too slow in Lagree! |
Instructor Training Information Meeting Tuesday, April 11th at 6:30 pm
If you've ever pictured yourself as an Instructor at CoreStrong or maybe you'd just like to dig deeper and learn more about the Lagree Fitness Method, I'd like to invite you to an information meeting on Tuesday, April 11th at 6:30. I'll keep it brief (just about an hour). Find out what it takes to become an instructor!
If you've ever pictured yourself as an Instructor at CoreStrong or maybe you'd just like to dig deeper and learn more about the Lagree Fitness Method, I'd like to invite you to an information meeting on Tuesday, April 11th at 6:30. I'll keep it brief (just about an hour). Find out what it takes to become an instructor!
Corestrong is HIRING!!! Front Desk Staff Looking for friendly and outgoing people. |
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