IT'S NOT PILATES, IT'S LAGREE! Have you been telling your friends that you are taking Pilates at CoreStrong? I hear it all the time, even from those that have been coming to CS for years! It's time to clear up this misconception. Lagree and Pilates are not related in any way. Joseph Pilates created Pilates about 100 years ago and Sebastian Lagree created Lagree about 25 years ago. Two different men with two very different methods. Since its birth, Lagree Fitness has distinguished itself from every form of exercise, including Pilates, which lacks intensity. The Lagree Method utilizes tried and proven bodybuilding training techniques not inherent to Pilates. The union of these bodybuilding techniques and low-impact qualities, which are fundamental to Lagree Fitness, directly translate to rapid results. While Pilates is based on breathing, concentration, control, centering, flow postural alignment, and precision, Lagree Fitness is fundamentally based on the following: Effective Form, Effective Range of Motion, Effective Tempo, Effective Duration, Effective Sequence, Effective Transition, Effective Tension, and Effective Planes of Motion. In fact Pilates and Lagree are so different, that you can use the two different modalities to cross train! THE MEGAFORMER IS NOT A REFORMER! Lagree is not Pilates, and the Megaformer is not a reformer. Although the Megaformer was originally inspired by the reformer, the likeness stops there. To achieve the results only provided by the Lagree Method, Sebastien Lagree had to transform the reformer into a Megaformer. We all know what happens when you do the Lagree method on the Megaformer, your whole body shakes, you sweat, and the best part is just how sore you are the next day! Pilates is not Lagree and Lagree is not Pilates! We love Pilates and we hope you do too! In fact our Stretch Strong class is based on Pilates moves with a slow Lagree Tempo. But, when it comes to strength training and fast results, you can't beat the Lagree Method! Low Impact, yet High Intensity! Everyday someone leaves something at the studio! Water bottles, jackets, grip socks, you name it! Our bin if over flowing! Please make sure to retrieve your belongings as soon as possible, as we cannot be responsible for lost items. IF YOU ARRIVE ON TIME, YOU ARE LATE! DOORS ARE LOCKED AT CLASS TIME - - GET HERE 5 MINUTES EARLY SO YOU ARE READY TO GO - LATE ARRIVALS ARE NOT PERMITTED AND WILL BE MARKED AS A NO SHOW! A new monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana has joined our team at CoreStrong and already is making her mark! Here's a little bit about Briana: Briana is a fourth-generation Idaho native with a deep love of coffee and sitting outside staring at birds. With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork. When not stomping on muscle knots or reading the latest health-related journal articles, she's out in the mountains with her husband and dogs. HELP! I CAN'T SLEEP! AGAIN!! It’s 2 am. Your alarm clock is casting an annoying red light over your face. You can hear the fridge humming two rooms over. That stupid clock you keep telling yourself to toss out is ticking at decibel levels comparable to a fighter jet. You should be asleep. After all, you’ve participated in every new sleep hygiene technique under the sun. Phone off an hour before bed? Check. Avoid caffeine after 2 pm? Check. 20 minutes of meditation? Check. Exercise? Well, you are reading this article through CoreSrong so…. check. Then why does sleep seem to elude you every night? The answer may be simpler than you think. Are you eating enough calories throughout the day? And are those calories coming from nutrient-dense meals? It may seem like a strange, if not counterintuitive, tip given the diet-obsessed culture we live in today but hear me out. Sleep itself is a prolonged state of fasting. After a long day of doing everything, are you properly fuelled enough to weather the tissue repair and glucose-intense cognitive demands of sleep? For many, I think the answer is, “no.” And I get it. I grew up in the 90s when diet culture was all the rage, and 1,200 calories was the upper limit of calorie consumption for the diet-minded woman. A truly shocking number when, according to the National Library of Medicine, 1,000-1,400 calories is the recommended daily intake for a 2 to 4-year-old toddler, not a grown woman; Especially not a grown woman who is still of menstruating age. The NHS recommends 2,000 calories for the average woman. Now, I’m not a doctor- just a nerd who likes science articles. Your requirements are unique to you, and if you aren’t sure what your daily needs are, you can find out using the calculator by clicking on TOOL button at the end of this article. I bet your intake requirements are higher than you think. If you sit and think about it, the marriage of sleep and nutrition feels pretty intuitive to the human body, but if you remain sceptical, I’ve done the legwork and found a few studies to back my claims. A study done on nine overweight, premenopausal women found that “dieting significantly altered sleep patterns; sleep onset latency was lengthened, and slow-wave sleep decreased[1].” Slow wave sleep referenced here is also more commonly known as deep sleep, where tissue repair and recovery happen. Perhaps even more telling was a study done on 80 Japanese women between the ages of 18 and 27 years old. This study found that the group with low sleep efficiency had lower energy intake levels, and their levels of vitamin K, B2, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, and protein- especially tryptophan- were significantly lower than those in the group that reported high sleep efficiency[2]. Finally, a review titled, Interactions between sleep, stress, and metabolism: From physiological to pathological conditions found that food restriction can lead to a later sleep time onset and reduce the overall amount of slow-wave sleep[3]. Are there other factors that influence sleep? Of course, from cortisol to circadian rhythms to other sleep disorders, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds. But sometimes the answer to our sleep woes is simpler than we think. Like many things in life, sleep starts with a good, healthy, and balanced diet. [1] Karklin A, Driver HS, Buffenstein R. Restricted energy intake affects nocturnal body temperature and sleep patterns. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994 Feb;59(2):346-9. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/59.2.346. PMID: 8310984. [2] Hashimoto A, Inoue H, Kuwano T. Low energy intake and dietary quality are associated with low objective sleep quality in young Japanese women. Nutr Res. 2020 Aug;80:44-54. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2020.06.002. Epub 2020 Jun 6. PMID: 32682178. [3] Hirotsu C, Tufik S, Andersen ML. Interactions between sleep, stress, and metabolism: From physiological to pathological conditions. Sleep Sci. 2015 Nov;8(3):143-52. doi: 10.1016/j.slsci.2015.09.002. Epub 2015 Sep 28. PMID: 26779321; PMCID: PMC4688585. A TOUGH SUBJECT, BUT WE NEED TO TALK ....
Recently I reduced our late cancel fee to $15 if the booking was cancelled less than 12 hours, but more than 1 hour before class. I'm not sure what happened, but our fees increased by 4x! Yikes! My intent was that fees would go down, certainly not up. Late Cancel and No Show fees are necessary in order to keep you accountable to your workouts and to maintain a smooth flowing studio where everyone can get into their desired classes. I'd much rather have you save your money! When booking out your classes, please don't book unless you are fully committed to coming. Use the feature on the app to add your classes to your personal calendar. If you must cancel, do it right away, don't wait! $15 late cancel fees can add up, and i'm sure you can find something better to do with your money! The last minute cancellations and no shows really reek havoc, as far too many times, we have clients on the waitlist and the cancellation was so close to the start of class that there was no time to notify the waitlisted client. We have to fix this! Starting May 15th, cancellations taking place in less than 2 hours of class will now be charged $35. Our No Show fee will increase to $50. No doubt about it, we all live busy lives with full schedules these days! But, just think how much smoother your week will flow, by taking charge and managing your schedule ahead of time. As much as I appreciate your support of CoreStrong, save money on those late fees and come visit our retail department instead! Retail therapy is way more therapeutic! Comments are closed.
February 2025