SUMMER CHALLENGE IS COMING! 9 Weeks to get your game on! Gamification that is! Sign up on your app (find the trophy icon at the bottom of your main screen). This challenge is YOU against YOU! No stickers, no prizes, just results! Step #1 - Stop by the front desk anytime between June 5th - June 15th, to step on our new In Body machine. Please have our front desk staff assist you to get your reading. We'll give you a print out of lots of useful information about your body composition (muscle mass, etc). Hang onto that print out to compare your numbers at the end of the challenge. Step #2 - Include at least 2 Versa Climber classes a week (either Fast Class or Combo) in addition to your Mega only classes. The app will keep track for you! Your goal is to hit 16 Versa classes in 9 weeks. Totally doable! That's less than 2 a week! Step #3 - Stop by the front desk again anytime between August 17 and August 24 to have the front desk staff help you get your updated body composition numbers and see the results! Let's get one thing straight right off the bat! This challenge is not about weight loss. We just want you to see for yourself, just how effective the combination of Versa Climber and Megaformer classes are! If you'd like to share your results, we are all ears! But no pressure! It's YOU against YOU! A new monthly feature in our newsletter, thanks to Briana Crotinger LMT! Briana has joined our team at CoreStrong and we are so lucky! Briana has a wealth of knowledge and loves to research and share her findings! With over a decade of bodywork, kinesiology, and pain management experience, she weaves her knowledge into her barefoot myofascial massage practice at Mend Bodywork. SLOW TWITCH VS FAST TWITCH AND WHY YOU SHOULD WORK BOTH! “Slow it down, that’s how you're going to get into those slow twitch muscle fibers and get those lean, strong muscles.” Slow-twitch…what? Settle in, we are here to talk about anatomy and physiology. Hold on- before you hit the snooze button, knowing the difference between muscle fibers and how to hack them will make you a better, stronger, faster and healthier human. Far beyond aesthetics, training the body is the single most important longevity drug, according to Outlive author Dr. Peter Attia. And proper training for longevity takes a well-rounded understanding of the hows and the whys. So let’s get to it! Human skeletal muscle is composed of two types of fibers (fibers here are synonymous with cells). These fibers are known as slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibers. Every muscle in the body has both fibers, but the proportion found in each muscle depends on the muscle’s function, our age, our sex, our fitness level, and our main activities. Slow-twitch fibers are the fibers our CoreStrong instructors focus on during class. Also known as Type 1 Slow-Oxidative Fibers, these fibers are endurance workhorses. Slow-twitch fibers have an extremely nutrient-rich blood supply via a dense capillary network. They contain a molecule known as myoglobin, which like hemoglobin in the blood, makes oxygen readily available to these fibers and gives muscles their distinct red color. These fibers also have a ton of mitochondria, which if you remember from 7th grade biology, are the powerhouse of the cell, manufacturing cellular energy from the ready supply of nutrients and oxygen. Because these muscles are energy self-sufficient, they can carry on quite a ways before they call it quits. We rely on these workhorse fibers for endurance movements like posture, long-distance walking, and stabilizing our bones and joints. It would stink if our back erectors gave up the ghost every five minutes. Fast-twitch muscle fibers, also known as Type 2 Fibers are classed as fast-oxidative and fast glycolytic, but for brevity and simplicity, we generalize and refer to them simply as fast-twitch muscle fibers. These fibers are larger and jam-packed with glycogen, but lack a nutrient-rich blood supply and myoglobin. Thus, they must make energy from their glycogen supply. Once that supply is depleted, it’s game over. The ready energy source and size of these fibers make them ideal for powerful explosive movements like sprinting and powerlifting, but once they fatigue, it takes time for them to recharge. As already mentioned working the slow-twitch muscle fibers sets you up for a more stable body, as you find more of these fibers supporting joints and posture. Because they rely on direct blood supply for nutrition, they have a high demand on the heart and lungs. So focusing on these fibers helps keep your cardiorespiratory system in tip-top shape. Fast twitch fibers are bigger, so working them makes you both faster and more powerful. And, if you want to grow bigger muscles, these are the fibers you want to focus on. In a general Mega class, those super slow, barely moving contractions recruit those slow-twitch fibers. But remember, to be a well-rounded human, you’ve got to make time for those fast-twitch fibers. Luckily you can here at CoreStrong! If you’ve been avoiding the Versa, you’ve neglected half your muscle fibers. Committing to a Versa Fast Class or a Combo Class is the perfect way to round out your workout- especially if you push yourself to your max during sprints. And now that we have our Versa Challenge going on, it’s the perfect time to commit and see how your body composition changes by recruiting both types of fibers. Good luck during this challenge and see you in class!
PLEASE HELP US WELCOME OUR NEW INSTRUCTORS! Our new instructors have been busy for months in training and practice and they are ready to lead you in a practice Megaformer class. Your first opportunity will be to take a class with Valerie on June 12th at 7:30 pm or June 19th at 2:00 pm. These classes are free and you can sign up right on your app! More community classes will be added over the next several weeks! Please be on the look out! Comments are closed.
February 2025