If you would like to lock in your rate of $155 for a 12 month unlimited auto pay, please contact the studio TODAY! All memberships and class credit packages will have a 10% increase effective November 1st. BLACK FRIDAY MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR OUR BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR! BLACK FRIDAY BEGINS ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH AND ENDS ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH
NEW CLASS TIMES START THIS WEEKEND Starting November 5th and 6th
DON'T FORGET TO FALL BACK Daylight Saving time ends this weekend too! SPEAKING OF TIME... PLEASE MAKE SURE TO ARRIVE A FEW MINUTES EARLY TO CLASS. DOORS WILL BE LOCKED AT START OF CLASS AND YOU WILL NEED TO KNOCK TO BE LET IN. YOU ALSO RUN THE RISK OF YOUR MEGA BEING GIVEN TO A WAITING CLIENT IF YOU ARE LATE. THANKS SO MUCH FOR ARRIVING ON TIME! THANKFUL! My life has been blessed with some of the most amazing people (that's you!). Thank you for being part of our CoreStrong/Lagree journey! You are the BEST! Comments are closed.
February 2025